wE’rE a rEPuBLiC nOt A dEMoCRacY

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner. #Democracy

Hey Ken: As someone in High school, I am scared for my future and I’m tired of it.
Can we focus on gun safety in schools? No-one should have to be scared to go to school,
and I cannot believe the GOP and the President won’t support Universal Background Checks. I wish our country would deal with these problems. More so then the difference between Democrats versus Republicans and Liberals vs. Conservatives, Thank you… Anonymous

That won’t ever happen…the government in this country is too spoiled and closed minded… Both sides are unwilling to ever actually LISTEN to opposing views… it’s amazing when you do. Sometimes you even find out you want the same end goal or learn something you didn’t know. Democracy means everyone has a voice and there is compromise or a give and take… in this country whatever someone thinks is right…
that becomes the only way by that person…

Population doesn’t matter with the senate because the senate isn’t meant to represent
the people, it’s there for the states. That’s why every state has two. We are better off with President Trump as our President! I barely made it through Obama’s administration afraid Barack like Biden would sell us out to our enemies. Thereby, No Slo-Joe Biden for me.
The John Birch Society, which pioneered the “we’re a republic not a democracy”
hated Chief Justice Earl Warren with a burning passion because of his anti-Jim Crow rulings.
The JBS associated democracy w/ integration, that’s why they hated it.
The role of the Senate was conceived by the Founding Fathers as a check on the popularly elected House of Representatives. Thus, each state, regardless of size or population, is equally represented. Further, until the Seventeenth Amendment of the Constitution (1913),
election to the Senate was indirect, by the state legislatures.

They are now elected directly by voters of each state.  
Each state is equally represented by two senatorsregardless of the state’s population. U.S. senators must be at least 30 years old and citizens of the U.S. Membership is open to both natural-born and naturalized citizens, providing that naturalized citizens have been citizens for at least nine years.  Naturalized citizens are people born in other countries who become citizens of the U.S. Therefore, Senators must be inhabitants of the state they represent. Unlike members of the House, who represent individual geographic congressional districts within the states, senators represent the entire state. 
Senators serve rotating six-year terms and are popularly elected by their constituents. 
The U.S. Congress is the Legislative Branch of the federal government. It has two bodies.
The Senate has two elected officials from each state. The House of representatives’ membership is based on each state’s population. These two houses provide a check and balance.
The Senate makes sure each state has equal representation.
Much like the Three-Fifths Compromise for black slaves was to dilute the population of the South so they wouldn’t have too much control by having an increased population due to black slaves who are unable to vote. In pure democracy, minorities would be crushed. We don’t always allow the majority to rule over minorities. That’s why so many cultures love to immigrate to the US. We should make political parties illegal to make it less corrupt. Abolish the electoral college and heavily regulate lobbyists. Also fix shitty campaign financing.

Millionaires shouldn’t be allowed to have candidates in their pockets.
But It’ll never happen because both sides benefit from corruption.
However, this would require free and fair elections.
We would abolish the Electoral College. Oh, and Declare November 3rd a national holiday,
to ensure that every American has the ability to go out and vote.
Don’t get me started on gerrymandering!
It’s what you want to bring about the dem TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY.

We must stop socialism before it starts in November, our future depends upon that.
America could very well do so – if the popular vote is the deciding factor in this election,
if gerrymandering: the manipulation of an electoral constituency’s boundaries so as to favor one party or class becomes a thing of the past. Both these issues Obamacare & Abortion keeps America from being a true democracy with no protection from the tyranny of the minority,
Was Germany a democracy when Hitler was elected?

False, Germany had the Weimar Republic prior to Hitler
(elected officials not unlike the US, but with a Parliament and proportional representation).
He was elected by right wing nationalist, removed democratic institutions, also created the New Order & became führer. This shows the Pettiness of Democrats because they don’t like anything that even sounds like “Republican.” It’s like nitpicking between a semi and a pick up truck. This is the level of silliness their party has come down to. People that are pro abortion don’t realize that 23% of all black kids
are aborted each and every year.
That means even between blacks they are a simple majority in a true democracy.
Let’s give a shout out to the late Jesse Helms, another Republican Senator who voiced a similarly anti democratic thought: “Democracy used to be a good thing, but now it had gotten into the wrong hands.”
 So to all liberals if you want to live in a democracy. Go find a nation that will allow you to do your own thing.
They’d love to have you.
We rank 33rd in EIU’s global Democracy Index, or a flawed democracy.
Mainly, because Princeton University studied and found that we are actually an Oligarchy. Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people. These people may be distinguished by nobility, wealth, education, corporate, religious, political, or military control. Such states are often controlled by families who pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition of oligarchy. I wonder if you could understand what that means and why it has survived
while pure Democracies have not.

“Representative Democracy.”
We are a Constitutional Republic with representative democracy. Not a true democracy as @SenMikeLee states: If we were a true democracy, every single act, law, statute, ordinance, administrative rule would have to be voted on by the citizens. “Government of the people,
by the people, for the people,” sounds like a democracy to me.
The Founding Fathers of this country studied human nature and political theory
and devised a genius system to tie into the best of democracy while guarding against
the worst of it. They were way smarter than you or any other political theorists today.
Of course, given the Red Map project to turn the Republican party into a permanent minority ruling party we know the real answer, but how many of them will say it out loud with him? Income inequality has become a key hot button issue in the modern day political spectrum. While these economic and class divides seem more pronounced than ever before, the impressive new documentary PlutocracyPolitical Repression in the USA reveals that the core of these struggles pre-date the beginnings of the industrialized labor force.
Plutocracy: Political Repression in the USA is a smart and engrossing tale of an issue which continues to drive economic instability and power dynamics today. The film honors the sacrifices of all those who have battled to win the freedoms we enjoy today, and reminds us of the importance of demanding equality for all and speaking truth to power.

The long and painful journey towards achieving worker rights and fair wages has been marked by violence, discrimination… Can we get a floor vote? We’ve never been a Democracy, always been a Constitutional Republic that uses democratic institutions to elect representatives. Direct democracy is a horrible idea. But if you want to try it I’m all for letter people learn the hard way, through experience….

Mob rule never works.
Mob tyranny has always been the historical outcome of democracy. Hard pass on being ruled by a bunch of uneducated idiots who spend most of their time watching shit Tv. shows.
The Democrat party should have been disbanded after the abolishment of slavery.
There involvement with the KKK, black codes, Jim Crow laws, racial terrorism, segregation and other high crimes against humanity are beyond forgivable. Now give YOUR head a shake. “This is the first time in American history when you get in more trouble for opening your business than burning down someone else’s.”  
Packing the court, invoking 25th Amendment, defunding police, closing schools and churches, shutting “non-essential businesses,” mandating masks…. Wow. Dems sure picked a winning platform and POTUS TRUMP should win in a landslide…in a fair election. The system needs to be updated to defend against threats.
You guys have good Bones just need to fix it up. Like a good old house that needs new plumbing.
Let me remind you of your job. You get elected to represent and protect us.

WE the people must Fight for COVID Relief, Equality, and our Democracy.
Ourvote got you elected, so everyone in Government should at least honor that.
The fact of the matter is, we can only aspire to freedom and liberty when we fully participate in our own government. We’re supposed to be a Constitutional Republic. Which is where the people use democracy to elect people to represent us. While our voices aren’t being heard! Recently, I read that 150 million Americans don’t like parts of -or all of Obamacare but Congress still call it Affordable Health Care. Which the majority of American know it’s not. So We need our representatives to do their jobs and STOP Kissing Obama’s ASS!

The inability to agree on a deal & comprehend the importance of giving Americans #ReliefNow is insane! We need our medical care & means to feed our families!
We WILL be voting & remembering your inaction through cost control is the best way to GO! A true democracy would ensure the voices of everybody is heard. One vote could restore slavery. One vote could end freedoms. The founders knew that because history had proven it repeatedly. Republicans have convinced themselves that it is their holy mission to seize America for the Christian faith. They see it as fundamentally right not to oppose them. Seeing how the Athenian democracy had tyrant after tyrant, I’m not so sure.
You understand that in a “pure democracy”, the wolves can vote to eat the sheep?
Try as he might, there’s no civic label that justifies the kind of majoritarian rule the GOP is currently engaged in. Rural representation in the Senate is 2-3 times that of urban representation. Soon, 5 of the 9 SCOTUS justices will have been selected by a majority vote that will reflect our society. At roughly 22% of the population of the United States, Catholicism is the largest religious denomination in the United States and that’s approximately 75 million members. So this isn’t political minority representation;
it’s a system that has antiquated to the point of consistently suppressing the
collective will of the electorate. It’s unsustainable.

A _Pure_ Democracy is the majority rule.
One vote over 50% and everybody is forced to do it that way.
That is why we have a Republic.
The majority cannot force their will onto a minority.
The devil is in the details and ‘we Still ain’t got it right’.

Holy Theocratic States of America, tap-dancing Jesus, what do you think we are?
I wonder how many people out there makes this obscene argument that we are a republic first, with democratic parts. The argument fails in that they are not exclusive, and without the democracy part, the republic part doesn’t exist. The argument is infuriating, and anyone who makes it is just being an ass usually.
What do you think of the concept of “mob rule” in democracy,
which is usually brought up with negative connotations? This is usually one reason why naysayers will claim a “representative republic” is both different than and superior to a “democracy.” And maybe a bartender shouldn’t overstay their welcome in a political body where they obviously know nothing about our constitution or our governing practices. Nowadays people are much smarter and can use their words to make the world a better and more free place to live. Does that Sound like an originalist.. and freedom wasn’t won with an AR-15 nor mega mags either in a classroom or in the streets.

The Course is called The Psychology of Diversity in the US.
With my final assignment was to create a Power point: to be used as a Workshop to start the process making changes to Social Injustice and Intolerance issues. This world is not just White and Black with Christian Life or offending Catholics or anybody with different religious beliefs. It is a colorful good place. Start a civil war and I promise it won’t turn out how you think. This is America… I have concerns with mob rules, democracy, right?
Two wolves and a lamb deciding what’s for dinner is basically what we have now.
There are better ways to arrive at decisions, such as the methods of political science.
Whims of “trending” are swayed.
When I was in high school which doesn’t count anymore because it was many years ago.
I was taught that we are a constitutional republic with a representative democracy.
Today people want to Amend the Constitution. Abolish the electoral college and limit the legislative role of the Senate ~ that would be crazy. 0ne person, one vote representing the “big picture always worked best.

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