Liberal Democrats

We The People have the power and our Constitution is what protects that power over an enemy
that is trying to destroy our country from within.

President Trump will protect our Constitution and Biden will seek to destroy it! My Father Knew General Patton in WWII if he would still be alive today he would say President Trump reminded him of General Patton. Trump truly does not get enough credit for not starting a single new war. These endless wars that rottenly corrupt politicians keep us in have caused so many men, women and families horrific suffering. My father would have had high praise for President Trump for not starting a war and for bringing our men and women overseas home and finding many kids trapped in the Demonicrat child trafficking scheme.
Before my father died back in 2006 with Leiomyosarcoma his thought about this country was it was a disgrace with so many freaks voting Liberal Democrats.

There will come a day in our NEAR future where men & women who took the OATH to defend America against all enemies both Foreign and Domestic will realize the Democrats are Domestic enemies.
The DEMS NEVER accepted Trump’s election in 2016 and CHEATED to derail his RE-ELECTION in 2020.
Democrats are so dumb that they CHEATED in ways that will be PROVEN in the Supreme Court.
I hope that once the election is overturned and the president is reelected…
That they will still continue the investigation of all the voter fraud across America. But it won’t, because that is not how Trump works. If he loses, it is always rigged, so he will just move the goalposts. That’s why appeasing Trump is so dangerous. The more he is appeased, the stronger and more comfortable he gets in his position. Then he pushes it a bit further. Between light & shadow, science & superstition, at the pit of our fears & the summit of our knowledge sits a nation’s worst nightmare. A monster of racism, fascism & narcissism who,
in a state of infantile denial tantrum, seeks to destroy the very thing that made us.
The Constitution of the United States.

My Mother States in Washington DC women are more power hungry than the men.
Melanne Verveer is the executive director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security at Georgetown University, a founding partner of Seneca Point Global, a global women strategy firm, and a co-founder of Seneca Women. She is also the co-author with Kim Azzarelli of the book Fast Forward:
How Women Can Achieve Power and Purpose.

Nobody wants to report that Pennsylvania and Michigan didn’t allow our Poll Watchers and/or Vote Observers to Watch or Observe. This is responsible for hundreds of thousands of votes that should not be allowed to count. Therefore, I easily win both states.
Report the News!
There are so many reports of unfair treatment to Republican observers,
if there was “nothing to hide” the Democrats should have allowed full transparency!
Everyone knows this is ILLEGAL but the left wants us to think it’s false accusations when hundreds of republican poll watchers have signed affidavits stating exactly what happened. Lying under oath is perjury and you will go to jail so sorry if I don’t believe “They’re all lying.”
Proverbs 6:16-19: Six things the Lord hates, 7 that are an abomination to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among his brothers much like a democrat.

How is that for Trump’s health care plan? Trump has had 4 years to tell us his health plan.
Just like COVID-19, which they said he hid the truth from all of us.
Which is inaccurate because the RED States outperform Blue States
10,460,302 infected and 65% of the 244,442 Americans dead in Blue States,

Texas 19,308
California 18, 044
Florida 17,460′
New York 33,343
Illinois 10,656
Georgia 8,730
North Carolina 4,681
Tennessee 3,610
Wisconsin 2,421
Arizona 6,198
New Jersey 16,461
Ohio 5,547
Pennsylvania 9,156
Michigan 8.008
Missouri 3,369
Indiana 4.731
Alabama 3,120
Virginia 3,276
Louisiana 6,056
Minnesota 2,752
South Carolina 4,062
Massachusetts 10,184
Iowa 1.874
Maryland 4,233

Warning: It did have poll watchers on both sides and here’s the thing: you don’t get to automatically declare yourself the winner by the media until its certify by each state. Even if your desperate to save Hunter Biden and the ballots are invalid. Sloppy Joe… It doesn’t work that way. I saw one Twitter Follower state I went to a doctors appointment yesterday. Got into a conversation with my doctor about the election and everything that has taken place. She told me that she received like 10 ballots in the mail which made no sense to her.
Should I report that and if I should where?

To cheat on an Election in The United States The Democrats must be afraid of something.
Globalization is the new term. and yes I do believe. COVID and Biden et al. will end the capitalism spirit to dependency on universal pay for all, then complete dependency on Government. We are at their mercy. The useful idiots in Universities are already ripe for the picking, George H. Bush started the talk maybe others before him….
  But YouTube removed it and put a disclaimer about NWO.
Absolutely with the help of many foreign powers. The Paris climate agreement isn’t about climate its about controlling people.
I believe they are part of it. Even the spearhead but I know that the war is spiritual & manifested in the flesh. We fight the same war that’s why we too lash out. But conviction helps direct traffic if we listen, they on the other hand intentionally reject.

I’ll quote Senator Chuck Schumer from a few days ago:
“Next we take Georgia, and then we change the world!”

In the 1990s, the United Nations drafted “Agenda 21” — their plan for defeating climate change.
In 2015, it was rebranded by socialists into “Agenda 2030,” but neither had anything to do with global warming and everything to do with using it to reshape our political world.

Calling all Americans to take back our constitutional freedoms

Starting last year, the push for Agenda 30 wasn’t just about climate change,
but about fighting future global pandemics as well. In October 2019, some of the world’s most powerful business and political leaders met to discuss how to prepare for such a crisis. And now we have the coronavirus outbreak reaching every corner of the world. It’s becoming clearer everyday that socialists are going to use this pandemic to achieve their ultimate goal: global control.
Watch the video below to hear Glenn Beck break down the details: 
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EVENT 201: Coronavirus crisis is ushering in a new world order!!!

Related articles around the web 
Agenda 21: Global conspiracy or climate savior?
How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda – Event 201
James Carville is not worried about recounts:
‘We Will Cheat him twice and they know how to cheat…

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