Wise Words From An Even Wiser Man

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

Our democracy is in deep, deep peril if a significant number of Americans are only prepared to
see election results as legitimate if their preferred candidate wins. – This is it, the final countdown to freedom. – The final battle between Good & Evil. –

I am me, just me! God is my strength. You never win an argument by being loud only by being right. You can’t fix stupid! When you are mad Once you see, you can never unseen. They see NOTHING but power. They are fearful. Many do but don’t care. They just want to ignore it and hope it goes away. I know a liberal fool told me what Trump is doing is illegal. SERIOUSLY! This guy is “brilliant” when it comes to stats and math but just another stupid blind sheep. How can one man be the most hated person in America, yet be loved the most?
It’s actually pretty amazing to me.

When I began researching cancer back in 2006,
I felt it was the number one problem in the world. Today it doesn’t record in my Top Ten List. Finding Answers through other cancer survivor stories and The Science of Cannabis doesn’t even come close to the moronisms we have coming out of our Nation’s Capital has me in shock once again, Dating back to February 24, 2005 through April 3 2006 when my father lived through his terminal illness. Which he stated a few days before he died was …. 100 times worse than his time spent liberating Germany during WWII.
Moronism – definition of moronism by The Free Dictionary

Socialist Take Over 101
1. A person who is considered foolish or stupid.
2. A person with mild intellectual disability having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education.
I would TRUST A Socialist About as much as I’d trust a goat to guard my garden. This is a book written by ALEX JONES “The answer to 1984 is 1776.”
it describes the events of martial law , liberty and human liberty “the answer to 1984 is 1776.” What he means by this is that the solution to government suppression is revolution book description; United States Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. For decades Americans have been aware that the government withholds pertinent information that affects their lives. While the rigors of the average workday leave Americans defenseless against government cover-ups, mass media red herrings, and corporate scandals.
Alex Jones sorts through the corruption with eager devotion.
He uncovers clear and decisive information that must be heard. Jones’ voice spreads like wildfire, developing legions of loyal listeners and readers. This book is divided into four main sections, covering propaganda, the police state, the New World Order, and 9/11, the defining event of our era and the ultimate manifestation of these three concepts in the United States. While millions of people listen to his radio broadcasts and watch his films, this is Jones’ 1st book. It’s time to stand up against tyranny; it’s time to give the power back to the people.
This is an information war, and Alex Jones intends to win! 1984 is a famous dystopian science fiction novel where the government controls and monitors every aspect of people’s lives and forces indoctrination and brainwashing on them. Those who resist indoctrination are punished severely or killed, as well as being shunned by society as evil. For the best answers, search on this site 1984 is considered the era we started to decline as a country. 1776 was the revolution. We need another revolution.
1776 is the year the United States overthrew the oppressive regime of the British empire and declared their independence and revolution against the British monarchy. So basically, it means that the answer to tyranny and oppression is revolution and independence. This is a Video not a book. The speaker is Larry Pinkney, a former member of the Original Black Panthers. This man is Brilliant! 46 minutes+40 seconds of mind boggling insight that is a must hear by every Black, Brown, White, Red + Yellow human being needs to hear.
It will change your life and thoughts forever!

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception!!!
If you went to hell who would you expect to see on the welcoming committee. My guess would be a socialist.
At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama’s foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama’s family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology. Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama “autobiography,” offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President’s life and politics.
In Dreams from My Real Father, Barack Obama is portrayed by a voiceover actor who chronicles Barack Obama’s life journey in socialism, from birth through his election to the Presidency. The film begins by presenting the case that Barack Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama’s worldview during his formative years. Barack Obama sold himself to America as the multi-cultural ideal, a man who stood above politics. Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irreconcilable with American values?
This fascinating narrative is based in part on 2 years of research, interviews, newly unearthed footage and photos, and the writings of Davis and Obama himself. Dreams from My Real Father weaves together the proven facts with reasoned logic in an attempt to fill-in the obvious gaps in Obama’s history. Is this the story Barack Obama should have told, revealing his true agenda for “fundamentally transforming America?” Director Joel Gilbert concludes, “To understand Obama’s plans for America, the question is ’Who is the real father?’

Apr 18, 2020 · “The Obama administration granted China’s Wuhan Lab a grant of $3.7 million,” Trump said really when asked by Newsmax TV reporter Emerald Robinson during the White House coronavirus task force daily briefing Friday. “I’ve been hearing about that, and we’ve instructed if any grants are going to that area – we will be looking at that – will end that grant very quickly.”
Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Have Arrows In Our Quiver That I’m Not About To Discuss Right Now’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday didn’t deny that Democrats may use impeachment as a tactic to delay the confirmation of the next Supreme Court justice. 

The masks are a symbol of socialism.
The mask is a symbol of a functional society, where members accept responsibility for the well-being of others. That’s not socialism, it’s basic ethical behavior. It’s a symbol of slavery and obedience, that’s all about what this 21st century socialism means. It’s a symbol of slavery and submission. Slave owners used masks throughout history as not only a form of control…..especially communication and to dehumanize you.
Scary how fast sheep line up without questioning. 
Social distancing, separation, and masks are also big in satanic rituals as well.
Went to a #StopTheSteal rally yesterday and 98% had no masks on. So do I quarantine for 14 days. I think 71 million of us, if any were wearing them in the first place, need to burn them in the streets and refuse to put one on ever again. I am shocked you are just now figuring that out. It is a symbol of “Do what we tell you, cover your face, you are not an individual but part of our followers.”
Keep your mouth shut and sit down is a great message.
Americans don’t do that well and sure won’t be silenced now!
You’ll note it’s been Antifa’s signature look for at least 3-5 years.
Conformity. It’s always been that. Remember the kneeling democrats with masks on?
You can tell a patriot in a mask required business in Las Vegas, we wear our mask in the store then pull it down. You can’t control us ! It’s Called Shut Up And Be Obedient. From day one, the mask has been a sign of subservient communism… It reminds me of Shariah, the covering of the face. Making us all look the same. symbolism will be their downfall… Correct. The mask removes our identities as individuals.
Give me a freaking break! Chemo patients wear a mask, but not the healthy people around them.
Maybe occasionally, but rarely. This masking of healthy people is a joke! Yes. It’s how they bring socialism in. They haven’t hidden it. Sanity can not be tested nor measured for it is merely an opinion of one.
One who may or may not be rational or sane, themselves.
I think that it means that sanity is not something which can be measured statistically.

Because it is something that is rather innate and anyone who is a sane individual. Wwill realize that their sanity is something that can be brought under control. So in a sense that is why sanity is not something that can be measured in a statistical way, because whenever an individual acknowledges that they are sane then there would be no legitimate reason to evaluate their sanity, because the individual who may be doing the judging may not be sane themselves. “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”

I don’t trust the votes in PA, MI, WI, GA, AR or NV.

Voter fraud at its finest! If you’re gonna cheat don’t make it so obvious! Amateurs. unless you have a manual recount to verify everything is on the level people are not going to be happy. At this point this is an illegitimate election that was rigged from long ago. I have serious concerns and doubts about our election process when
71 million Americans’ votes were essentially canceled by voter fraud. Re-vote on 5 swing states is required.
PA, MI, WI, GA, AR or NV.
I don’t know what to believe anymore. I thought America was above this kind of corruption!
They Paused the count for 3-4 hours and just have just enough to push Biden over the top? At least 30% were fake to all the Democrats complaining about President Trump not conceding: Blame Hillary, The President is just following the advice she gave to Joe! We never give up until the fraud has been exposed! If they steal this one, we will lose everyone from here on. Democracy demands transparency. President Trump needs a skunkworks team coming up with as many political landmines as possible to embed in the landscape against the Democrats if Republicans are forced to retreat from the White House in January.

Point: Victor Davis Hanson: America ‘cannot survive’
Biden presidency with Democratic majority in House, Senate.
Counter Point: Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn, pictured in 2016,
has high hopes for President-elect Joe Biden. “He’s going to get back to the
things that matter,” she said. (Los Angeles Times)

Don’t give up on President Trump!
A conservative not standing with President Trump is NOT conservative at all!!
  I am convinced that most of America is now Conservative.
Trump has 88.9M Twitter followers and got 69M votes
Biden has 18.2M Twitter followers and got 72M “votes”
Isn’t that interesting:

Congress reading the elector slates on Jan. 3.
We are with you, Mr. Trump, and you will win.
I believe that people forget or ignore the fact that the Obamalama years.
Were ones where they turned our Country into something of a third-world country and created the division Trump was blamed for.
Thankfully, the Constitution does not give the media the ability to declare the winner of a presidential election and will still have HOPE. They will see the steal. The only call of the election comes from the Joint Session of Congress reading the elector slates on Jan. 3 We are with you, Mr. Trump, and you will win. I believe that people forget or ignore the fact that the Obamalama years. Were ones where they turned our Country into something of a third-world country and created the division Trump was blamed for.
My greatest concern is that the fast-tracked attempt to install Biden has convinced Democrat voters that he’s already won. They could be setting the stage for a violent, full-blown coup when Trump is finally declared the winner.  War on Christmas would be very symbolic of terrorist.  That would be the reason why the corrupt MSM has been falling all over itself in the effort to coronate Quid-Pro-Joe (D) ASAP (regardless of the recounts, lawsuits and criminal investigations).
Their goal is to manipulate pro-Biden public expectations. 

Well if Trump does turn this around the Military or National Guard has to be out in full.
If anyone thinks the last riots were horrible. You will be surprised with what follows this. This is my concern as well. The early call further brainwashed the unaware. That will be difficult when their mental breakdowns commence. I would bet my last nickel that is EXACTLY what the plan is/was. Liberals are so brainwashed by MSM there is NO reasoning with any of them. They refuse to see what is right in front of their eyes. LOL, bring on the zombie apocalypse.
Some things are worth fighting for, come hell or highwater..
The silent majority needs to come out of hibernation ASAP Make good with the Creator cuz this will
only be the first wave. Then their mercenaries (trained) will be the second wave and FINALLY-BLUE HATS.
I tweeted just yesterday that if this all goes sour then MSM will have blood on their hands.
They are driving a narrative that Buyden has won (Never.) and Trump is trying to steal it.
Democrats are believing it’s rightfully Biden’s.
Of course. That’s why they announced it already. To ingrain in peoples heads he won,
so if anything is changed – it will appear Trump cheated and set everyone off. They’ve already been out of their minds with rioting etc. It’s who they are. Brace yourself. Your right, the left are capable of doing anything for power as they have shown over the last 100 years.

Would John Lennon War is Over be appropriate here:

Five Steps of Grief
denial. <—- you are here.

Watch some of Dana Coverstone’s video’s where he describes his prophetic dreams for November and December and it is chilling. Just thinking that. The dump trucks of crow they’d have to eat after all this gloating would be infinite. Freedom isn’t free & never should anyone have ever anticipated it would be easy to keep it. I’d be worried about a civil war, mass rioting and even worse. Letting them steal this election would be much worse than any possible riots the left wing nuts might participate in. We can deal with the rioters, we can’t deal with the end of democracy! I believe if they attempted a violent coup it would be a short and decisive victory for the US military and a complete disaster for leftists.
We’re prepared. Suit up & tighten your Armor, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The media is the enemy of the people. 

Opinions | Joe Biden has a radical plan for government.
They censor the reporting on Biden corruption, false poll reporting, and blackouts. 
This is contributing to the division in our country. They will never gain back the trust of the people.
HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? There’s zero credible evidence of fraud. There are a few anecdotal cases that amount to nothing. Nine meritless lawsuits have already been dismissed. Have some integrity and self-respect, concede defeat and move along.
That’s the whole point, it’s very hard to change the perception once everyone is convinced Joe won.
But really behind the scene they are desperate for lawyers to help them fight the legal battles in each state. They are offering an outrageous rate of $140 an hour with 100 hours a week! That’s the whole point, it’s very hard to change the perception once everyone is convinced Joe won. But really behind the scene they are desperate for lawyers to help them fight the legal battles in each state.
They are offering an outrageous rate of $140 an hour with 100 hours a week!
That’s exactly why they’re doing it. They want their followers to be enraged when they’re told that the presidency is given to them and then taken away, ie:
More rioting, looting, burning down minority owned businesses and murder. This is exactly what they’re doing. and frankly, it’s diabolical. Buyden wins? they have an elated base – who easier to manipulate? Biden loses? Undoubtedly chaos worse than we’ve seen all year.
They want the country as broken as possible if he resumes leadership.

Making the average low information voting American believe that Biden already won was their intent. Democrats are acting in bad faith and against the constitution. IT IS TIME! #RevolutionNow
We will not be silenced! We will not coward under the threat of violence from #AntifaTerrorists and #BLM.
We demand every LEGAL vote be counted!
We demand a fair and transparent election! We Will Take Back Our Country! #StopTheSteal
That was the intent. But riots are now usual behavior from them, so it’s not intimidating us. Plus, we’ve all armed ourselves should the tantrums and riots spill to the burbs. If there’s evidence of fraud to flip an intentionally premature “call”, so be it. If not? Ok.
Trump’s allegations of mass voter fraud are not going to work in 2020 any better than they did in 2016.
The only ‘coup’ being attempted here is by Republicans. That in fact was the big picture plan all along.
Biden is a false prophet. Everything was obvious to see and discover. Saturday’s declaration of victory changed this country. Nobody realizes this yet. War on Christmas? What about the war on Thanksgiving?
On your android phone have you noticed an extra holiday the day after Thanksgiving on your calendar?

The whole damn world has lost its mind.
Do you trust the results in Michigan when there were 24,000 same day voter registrations
in highly liberal areas including Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Ann Arbor?
From what I understand, as I believe was investigated by Lara Logan a while ago,
Dallas flipped blue with this same computer “glitch” ‘shenanigan. Just flipped the votes from R’s to D’s. It’s all a sham. Take back your big cities TX. They stole them. And still underperformed compared to Hillary in 2016.
Houston and most metro areas in Texas have always been Democrat strongholds.
Beyond all that is told. I want to say THANK YOU to TRUMP. I was weak , like a puppet but since I started to hear your statements and speeches have become stronger in my mind! Absolutely – Grooming everyone these last few months – Stockholm syndrome is evident on such a massive scale. With all due respect, but it took you a long time to realize it. Since the beginning of the Fraudemia it was very clear to those who had eyes to see.
Much like the #VoteBlue (“no matter who”) movement, masks are a sign of #surrender.
So the #Democrats are saying it’s time to come together after the #Media call the election.
But for 4 years these same people were completely out of control about #POTUS45 and never stopped their attempts to remove him from office. My message to all #Democrats Kiss my ass!
Covid was invented by the GOP. They knew they weren’t going to win the election and they could point to mail in ballots as the reason. Why? Cause nobody on the left would stand in line next to someone especially if they weren’t wearing a mask! Cause science knows nothing! Right? Next you’ll say that pizza and wings are Commies? Voting, class action lawsuits, healthcare, traffic lights, speed limits on roads.. all Communist.
I can’t wait for gas to be high I can’t wait for people to start complain about s***’s going bad the stock market will crash that’s a fact he was going to start losing their jobs that’s a fact that mandate vaccines that’s coming and and get ready for a massive lockdown. The masks were for control. To see how much of the population were going to use them. It is a symbol of Islam. Then I guess the entire world reeks of socialism today due to COVID.
Here is the reality folks. There are no winners AND losers in this. We as a Nation based on our new administrations and gov’mt decisions will be winners OR losers TOGETHER!

Let that sink in…because that IS the new reality!
Biden’s campaign says he supports comprehensive changes to the immigration system that would increase immigration levels, provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed crimes and are employed, and legalize the status of immigrants brought to the country illegally as children, known as Dreamers. Biden has been viewed with suspicion at times by immigration activists. They point to what they call his lack of outreach to Latino communities in the past and his time as vice president under Barack Obama, who was tagged by liberal-leaning activists as the “deportee in chief” because of his administration’s border enforcement policies.

Joe Biden won South Texas border counties—but just barely.
Latinos, mostly lifelong Democrats, moved to President Trump in record numbers.
I still absolutely cannot believe that Trump won Zapata County 52-47 in the Rio Grande valley of Texas which he lost to Clinton 65-32% Here’s why.
Do you all see the blatant media lies (a.k.a. gaslighting)? Biden way ahead in the polls. Biden declared winner. All voter fraud claims are false.
Now, a USPS worker has recanted his sworn statement. ALL LIES.
If the result of an election is unclear or disputed, no person is normally referred to as president-elect until the dispute is resolved. Biden and Harris might have directed people to commit federal crimes in an attempt to steal this election.

Illegal votes are a threat to our constitution.
No one should be cooperating with them or giving them any transition intel until everything is exposed. Either SCOTUS will rule that all the unconstitutional Mail-In ballots will be removed from the Total Votes, and the states are ordered to hand-recount WITHOUT them, OR… SCOTUS will simply rule the election is invalid due to countrywide Voter Fraud, and at that point it will be sent to the US House and US Senate for a vote. This is where it gets good. The US House and US Senate would vote on who the President and VP will be.
This has nothing to do with what Political Party that has power. Every State gets ONE VOTE, according to the 12th Amendment. 31 State Houses are held by Republicans, and 19 by Democrats. The Senate, then, votes for the Vice President. This is the Law. The only way President Trump will NOT be re-elected is if he concedes — and this will NEVER happen.
So, stop watching the Fake News, don’t let your heart be troubled, and know this will all work out. President Donald J. Trump will remain President of the United States. Pelosi is in quite the predicament here. If the Supreme Court says the election must be decided by Congress, Pelosi will not want to do it, knowing Trump would win. Say, then, she refuses!
Trump would, then, of course, refuse to concede. Queue the impasse! Do you see Trump’s advantage here? Pelosi has no option, unless she wants a hand-recount of ILLEGAL VOTES. Another Fun Fact: the Media called Al Gore the President-elect for 30 days in 2000, until the courts ruled against him and declared Dubya the winner. The best part: two people involved in Bush V. Gore were none other than… New Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed? John Roberts was also involved in the Bush V. Gore litigation. [END]

This is what the left is about! Court packing Open borders Illegals voting Adding DC
as state End filibuster End electoral college Kill due process End all checks & balances..
They won’t change the world! Just change America to a communist country!


BREAKING MUST WATCH: Steve Bannon: How President Trump can win ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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