End Time Prophecy 2021

Do you believe that your government has the people’s best interest?

No, they never have.  If they did, all those cargo ships would NOT be stuck out on the coast!   That’s why I don’t get why they are making such a big deal over climate 

 The Big Reset it’s not about climate – climate provides the cover to tax us to the hilt and control us until the pips squeak, and then some.

Founding Father Wrote The Constitution Based Off Experience.
The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. (1791)] (see explanation)
Second Amendment. A well regulated Militia, the right of the people
to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. (1791)] (see explanation)
Third Amendment [Quartering of Troops (1791)] (see explanation)
Fourth Amendment [Search and Seizure (1791)] (see explanation)
Fifth Amendment [Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process (1791)] (see explanation) 
Sixth Amendment [Criminal Prosecutions – Jury Trial, Right to Confront and to Counsel (1791)] (see explanation)
Seventh Amendment [Common Law Suits – Jury Trial (1791)] (see explanation)
Eighth Amendment [Excess Bail or Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment (1791)] (see explanation)
Ninth Amendment [Non-Enumerated Rights (1791)] (see explanation)
Tenth Amendment [Rights Reserved to States or People (1791)] (see explanation)  

Sadly, our Gov’t has devolved to the point where it exists only to serve itself. 
The question that needs to be polled in every state so we the people can use our constitutional rights to solve this problem I think the states need to start thinking about this if 2020 elections aren’t fixed. Evidently they don’t have to. This is the definition. The definition of government is the exercise of control or authority over a group of people. … The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization. The “people” are the worker ants to a more complex machine. It needs harmony to run.

Just because gov agencies did horrifying stuff in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s & 10s, and no one was ever held accountable and nothing ever changed except they got bigger and more powerful doesn’t mean they’ll continue to be bad. I’m sure they’re a totally reformed force for good.  I think the government forgot what that position entails. They’ve become too large, too tyrannical, & rife with corruption. (Politics will never get rid of corruption.) It didn’t have to be this way.

Both sides are culpable but one holds the remedy. We The People. We need representation. Additionally, the government was never meant to be spread over every aspect of our lives. When you give someone full control they mind not what matters to you or yours. The best interests of the people should start here at home. Not a checkbook or foreign shithole.

Right here, 🇺🇲.

It’s time “we the people” mandate term limits for EVERY ELECTED POSITION.

From local to national levels. Pouting face
Immediate goals. Everyone should be locally/otherwise creating noise and getting to the reps they back, and demand action or remove them. Period. When they become stale, our duty is to remove them. We are being “governed” by lobbyists, polls and focus groups. Identity Politics by The National Socialists:  I think we are just pawns in their game of power & elite rule. Under Communism the elites always live like kings, the masses absolute abject poverty.

Do you seriously think Pelosi would take the time to even spit on your grave? Doubtful Our present situation in this pathetic country is the answer to that question. The needs of the American people are ignored while they steal taxpayer dollars & consolidate power. It’s all one big uniparty in DC. (never trust the government.) Like Mark Twain said; “always love your country, but love your government only when it deserves it.  

No Shot, No Treatment – Happy Pandemic

Destiny’s tweet – “EXPOSING RediMed North 315 East Cook Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 (260) 458-3800 

The NP refused to treat a minor patient diagnosed with sinusitis, ear infection & bronchitis because he wasn’t C-19 vaxxinated. ” – Trendsmap 

The NP refused to treat a minor patient diagnosed with sinusitis, ear infection & bronchitis because he wasn’t C-19 vaccinated. A video posted to Twitter on Thursday appeared to show a doctor at an urgent-care facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, refusing care to a minor with a non-COVID-related condition because he had not been vaccinated.
The video showed a doctor walking away from the child’s mother, who is filming the encounter on her phone, after mentioning “the COVID vaccine” and then threatening to “call 911” and “confiscate your phone.”
According to the mother, “after diagnosing my son with an infection, they’re refusing to give him medication.”
In response to the inquiries of another employee, the doctor says: “I’m sorry, but I am the doctor here. This is our policy . . . she needs to leave.”
As she goes to the front office to ask the receptionist to “call security” and “call 911,” the doctor also expresses the worry that “she’s videotaping everything and she’s going to slander my name.”

“Oh, I will,” the mother responds, “I will give this to whoever I need to.”
According to the Twitter accounts that have posted the video, the facility in question is the RediMed North urgent care, part of the Lutheran Health Network.
The facility requires that visitors “wear your own face mask when coming to any in-office visit,” but while the Lutheran Health Network’s COVID policy recommends vaccination, there is no suggestion that vaccination is required for treatment.
Regardless of whether the doctor was or was not in compliance with the policy, the Kafkaesque absurdity of endangering a child’s well-being to remain in compliance with a politicized agenda drew outrage from conservative critics like journalist Sharyl Attkisson.  

According to the CDC, about 500 children under the age of 18 have died of COVID-related causes since Jan. 1, 2020, representing 0.01% of all deaths and 0.85% of all child deaths over the same period of time.
By contrast, during the Obama-era swine flu—in which at least 1,180 children perished—the government imposed no such restrictions on public facilities like schools and hospitals.
Sharyl Attkisson on Twitter: “A child with a non-Covid infection is reportedly denied treatment because he’s not vaccinated for Covid. Endangering his health… for his own safety. (Scientists say kids have near zero statistical risk of harm from Covid). #UpisDown” / Twitter 
 Retribution? Doctor Refuses To Treat Teenager Without COVID Test – UncoverDC

Scrutiny of Facebook ramps up with flurry of new reports based on leaked documents (cnet.com)
In late 1944, even as they faced imminent defeat, the Nazis expended enormous resources to kill or deport over 425,000 Jews during the “cleansing” of Hungary. This Oscar-winning documentary, executive produced by Steven Spielberg, focuses on the plight of five Hungarian Jews who survived imprisonment in Auschwitz. Though these survivors recount the horrors they witnessed and endured as a result of the Nazis’ “Final Solution,” their individual triumphs are a testament to hope and humanity. Jwelch5742

Five Jewish Hungarians, now U.S. citizens, tell their stories: before March, 1944, when Nazis began to exterminate Hungarian Jews, months in concentration camps, and visiting childhood homes more than 50 years later. An historian, a Sonderkommando, a doctor who experimented on Auschwitz prisoners, and US soldiers who were part of the liberation in April, 1945, also comment. Most telling are details: Renée packing her bathing suit, Irene swallowing the diamonds her mother gave her to buy bread, Alice’s memorial for her sister Klara, Bill escaping police by jumping into a line of Jews going to Buchenwald, and Tom told by a US soldier to have “all the damn bananas and oranges you can eat.” jhailey@hotmail.com>
Destiny on Twitter: “EXPOSING RediMed North 315 East Cook Road Fort Wayne, IN 46825 (260) 458-3800 The NP refused to treat a minor patient diagnosed with sinusitis, ear infection &; bronchitis because he wasn’t C-19 vaccinated. https://t.co/7MSw7ytHoB” / Twitter

New CDC Tool Tracks COVID Cases & Deaths by Vaccine Status – UncoverDC

Watch Videos Online | The Last Days of the Big Lie | Veoh.com

The Last Days Documentary Steven Spielberg free – video
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