Save America From These Buffoons

Joe Biden Is The Nominee, But The Democratic Party Belongs To Barack Obama | HuffPost null

Democrat Pollsters Warn Joe Biden’s Incompetence, Chaos Hurting Party – CBD News (

Urgent Message from Steve Bannon – “The First Tenet of Psychological Warfare is to Break You Down.  

A letter from the Illinois Governor saying “Delta” doesn’t exist in any records.

It’s for your “protection” as they lock us up..

Few people listen or seem to care.

Until the United States starts to resemble Venezuela. Hundred points symbol CORRECT…

The main goal of any war is to control others and destroy their economy. Anyone who achieves the same goals is considered to be in a war ! When our government do exactly the same and have the same goals it means government already declared an act of war against #WeThePeople

This is England and it’s green new deal…Don’t be England! 

What Governments Got Wrong About The Global Energy Transition | 

The energy crisis in Europe exposed the complexity of a transition to green energy: it is not happening overnight, and it cannot be done successfully with the old tricks. Energy systems, markets, and grids globally need fundamental changes to legislation, regulation, and oversight in order to accommodate 100-percent zero-emission sources. And even in that case, power systems need flexibility and backups in order to avert similar crises down the road as many parts of the world commit to net-zero emissions by 2050 or 2060.   #SaveAmerica
It’s the American Patriots against the corrupt government pushing to abolish The U.S Constitution and shove NWO up our asz’s! NEVER SURRENDER!
Illegals have zero respect for our laws when they enter illegally.. They surely won’t change that mindset once they’re inside our country either!
Eddie Griffin “These People Are Easy To Brainwash, They Didn’t Test This S**t”
My Momma used to say, “Begin as you mean to go on.” Applies to just about everything including immigration.  They will set up little Tijuana shops on the roadside with no permits. They drive with no license or insurance. They pack into houses or trailers and shit and piss outside. I could keep going with the dog fights and chicken fights but won’t. Yet Biden welcomes them in so they can drain the lifeblood out of America. We have POTUS bringing in millions of illiterate migrants (many Covid & other disease infected) with no skill sets.
This will certainly further the dumbing down of America. We’ve become a laughing stock!

Illegals have no interest in assimilation.

They are different from any other immigrant group in American history.  As far as not following our laws, neither do our “representatives”, so just your average tax-burdened, hard-working citizens are. The lawmakers who made it happen have no respect for our country and when these illegals break the laws, they will get away with it. That’s how the Dems know the illegal aliens will be voting Democrat…. They have already succeeded in ruining our country.

We live in a Clown face world.

“The First Tenet of Psychological Warfare is to Break You to Become Compliant” The first tenet of psychological warfare is to break you to become compliant to make sure all your actions and human agency will be futile.” But he didn’t stop there. Next, he warned of what’s to come and it appears that America is on a fast track to this Bannon continued with his warning of psychological warfare saying, ” With information, you can be armed to take action in a world gone awry and that you will never succumb to psychological warfare which is to break your resistance which is to make you complicit.”

Don’t be complicit to the dangerous narrative the left is trying to get you to accept today. Stay informed, aware, and defend your God-given Constitutional rights you deserve as a citizen of this great nation. Show me one other “insurrection” in history where none of the people were armed. Most of the videos that have been released look like an open house, with people walking around for a while then leaving. You’re like, they had all these plans to kidnap Pelosi and take over the capitol building and demand Trump be reinstated as president.

Trump is ‘hungry’ to go head-to-head against Biden for president and can only be stopped by a ‘prison sentence’: former advisor ( I’m like, show me one shred of evidence that supports that and explain how anyone would plan something like that yet not bring one weapon with them? That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these certain unalienable rights, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new Government. This is a nation founded on rebellion against the “laws of the land” when they conflicted with individual liberty.

That’s the old Obama very divisive “trumped up cultural wars”
Why does society place value on the Status Quo. And, only certain jobs deserve higher pay?

Astonished faceThinking faceClown faceEarth globe europe-africa

I was always taught working hard was the only way to get anything in life. My pops always said work hard cuz if you got it you earned it.  I did , while in my early 30’s I checked on what I could expect for social security they told me & said well that won’t be enough so I went out and got a second full time job working 8 year at 2 full time jobs now I can survive as long as prices start leveling off.

When I started my business, I slept on a rented converted garage floor on a mat. I ate PB&J sandwiches and ramen noodles every day till I started making a profit. Then the real work began with employees, trucks, insurance, workers comp etc. Ya, I paid my dues.   Everything I have I had to work my ass off for. Sometimes 14 hr. days. That’s why it’s so hard to have Christian sympathy for people that just won’t, not, can’t get off their lazy asses and work for what they want. Instead of feeling entitled to have someone else pay their debts.

Anonymous Statements: I have since but I’m minimalist now. Had all the material things but not important to me anymore. I prefer a simple life now.   I’ve worked a 40-50 hour week / every single week since 1985. I have taken a few weeks off for vacation – but I have never not had a job since 1985. That’s 36 years. Prior to that I worked 28 hours a week since age 14.
Work 27+ yrs 3 places Mining Oil Field Construction Last 22 yrs watched dollar Crash I have Land but property Taxes? I am an Old Man. No kids in school Why I Should Pay for Schools.

I’d guess everyone besides the idle rich have worked for what they have. Some have easier paths. Some face challenges that others are spared from. For some, doing time on this planet sucks. Definitely still working hard!

But it’s definitely paying off!! Count me as independent. There were ups, and downs. Today, life in general is good, Busted my ass to get it there! No college here, just busted ass and taught myself to code and now doing very well thank you very much. Found a company willing to take a chance on me 15 years ago, the rest is history. In software it’s not what you know, it’s what can you do?

I don’t have “much A$$et$” but I worked my arse off for them. I built a business after a divorce, then again in a new state. I’m nearing retirement, ready to enter the political world. (actually considering early retirement – FJB is f’ng our country up). I’m sure I’m not alone.  You must work hard for everything. The trick is to be frugal and avoid waste.  Retired now but throughout my working life I learned everything I could and had to find a new career 3 times.

I was too stupid to give up and quite. It was worth it.  I am envious that many get handouts for doing nothing. I have and I never had to ask anyone for anything. Our rights are being violated people…the Govt gave the Technology Oligarchs the green light to censor Americans!  

The left wants socialism and says they hate Nazis.

They obviously have no idea that Nazis started off as socialists!! The Nazi’s were always fascists. Hitler used the term socialism as a shuck, to fool the working classes into supporting him. He never had any intention of carrying out actual socialism. Nazi is an acronym derived from the German word Nationalsozialistische (National Socialist). They should be centering on how much Government you have in your society. Socialism, Nazis…they are ALL Big Government. More Government= LESS Freedom. That is the bottom line. The Nazis were the only ones whoever made socialism work … know how ?

Theft then Genocide of the ones they stole from…

If you’ve ever misquoted a famous movie or called a product by the wrong name, you’re not forgetful — you’re trapped in an alternate universe.

Or so goes the theory behind the “Mandela Effect,” a phenomenon that takes place when a huge chunk of the population remembers something that seemingly never happened.

The name comes from former South African president Nelson Mandela, as some people recall Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, even though he went on to become president in 1994.

Is it a conspiracy? A distortion in the space-time continuum?image.png

None of this is by accident. It is a planned crisis heaped on the American people.

No different than the Chine$e Virus spread around the world. Planned to condition people to live a substandard lifestyle. They are mocking us. They laugh about the state of America. Why?

Because it’s intentional. What goes around will come around 2 this make believe administration!!!!!! Absolutely, and some have been psychologically manipulated into believing this not about power and money but selflessness. The selfish have to be convincing. Wow. They are dooming future generations.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas! ( 1966)  The Democrats are nuttier than fruitcakes, all the woke stores have no inventory to sell. Wait till Christmas Agree 100%. Obama, who is running this shit show from behind the scenes, wants to turn — the U.S. into Venezuela. It’s his dream, something that he, his handlers and funders have been planning for years. It satisfies everything his commie father taught him from living in Kenya.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas Full Movie in reverseimage.png


Did you know that Germany in the 30s and 40s had something called a “Gesundheitspass” which was a medical ID passport. image.png

Translated it means “Health Passport”. This is beginning to sound familiar…  

They had an  Ahnenpass – Wikipedia – Ancestry passport (Jewish/non Jewish) – too.

Ahh the pass that identified people with special needs to be exterminated…

I remember reading about it in some history article.

This time it’s not Flag of Germany but Global Elitists across Europe.  Seriously, how do people not see the absolute globalist agenda behind all of this?! we have social media- the thing that connects us to people all over the world!! When all this started, it was “2 weeks to flatten the curve.” When people began sounding alarms about individual rights being taken away, and “mandated” vaccines, they were marginalized and ridiculed as “conspiracy theorists.”
Yet here we are.  I said to people that what Hitler was not able to accomplish, world leaders of today are accomplishing that. Hitler must be turning in his grave. Thinking faceWatch this interview Alex Jones did with Aaron Russo. Look at what is happening around the world. Chip will probably come soon, a chip that tells you if you are infected or not, will be mandatory, and we will welcome it… Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (Full Length)


Anyone who dismisses the similarities in today’s situation to the rise of Hitler, simply doesn’t know their history. When you listen to public health reps talk about vax mandates, I doubt they realize the similarities of what is happening today to this piece of history.

They don’t teach this in public schools for a reason.

The parallels are numerous, yet raise it to most people and they’ll call you a conspiracy theorist.


It is difficult to incorporate new approaches to the common debate. 

There are many big reasons that made Trump the good choice:  

Fixing the border, trade policy to bring back the supply chains, re-energize the economy. In 2019 wage growth was 11% for blue collar workers with inflation at 1%. In Trump’s 4yrs the median income went up $6K & under Obama’s 8yrs it only went up $1K & under W. Bush 8yrs only $800. Not to mention under Trump he was gaining cost control in Health Care /Prescription Pills and putting a lid on rising Health Premiums by fixing the root cause.

One has to do with practical day-to-day issues: he has achieved important results in international politics (ISIS, Iran, Arab countries and Israel, curbing China-Korea, support for Venezuela-Cuba…), the opposite of Obama. Not in vain is he the first president since 1980 who has not initiated wars, it was not needed, no other country thought it could profit against him.

And he also presents good economic results, reduction of illegal immigration… 

He has only lacked effectiveness against covid-19, but as we see with many European countries, it is not easy to stop a pandemic in open societies.

The other reason has to do with the future: a person’s future is marked by his own character. The future of a country, too. By its common thoughts, shared through the media (radio, TV, social networks, books…). And the United States is suffering a clear cultural attack, supported by the intolerant cancel culture, associated with political correctness.. An attack deploying harmful prejudices on three main fronts:

  • Anti-Americanism prejudices deployed by competing countries (France, Germany, China…) in their influence area (Spain, Latin America, Middle East…)
  • defeatist prejudices inside the country,
  • and a variety of prejudices of division and confrontation among citizens taking advantage of different themes (BLM, Antifa, radical feminism…)

Prejudices and intrigue

This makes the issue much more than just Trump or Biden. It’s a country issue. It’s about the future of the country. And maybe things aren’t as clear today as they were during Reagan’s time, when the evils that caused WW2 were still in people’s memories (appeasement, ideologies…). But the question is the same. History always repeats itself.

The end of the Age of Freedoms – Política de garaje (politica de
“A Time for Choosing” by Ronald Reagan – YouTube

Is there a way to preserve the rapidly diminishing freedoms remaining in our country taking into consideration how deeply the generations behind us have been heavily and thoroughly. propagandized? Where in the Bible does it give the Pope the authority he thinks he has and where in the Bible does it give Mary the authority that she holds? Where and when does anyone in the Bible pray to Mary?

Will the western world beat the globalists re “the great reset” or are we staring down the dystopian future that they want?
I’m a strong Christian, but I can’t seem to find a church that teaches anything but milquetoast nonsense. I listen to Jack Hibbs, but even he doesn’t go into the spiritual meat that I need. The only one that I’ve found is William Gurnall, but he was born in 1616. What do you think hyperinflation is going to do to the world economy?  Any suggestions?  

If the Jewish moshiach come to the world how would he know he was it
Do you think Conservatism and core values are over with and that our once brilliant Country is flipping to a weak European style existence?

Apple uses slave labor in their Foxconn Facilities in China CCP to manufacture their Iphones & Ipads. A predominance of these slaves is Uyghur Muslims and Christians…

And yet China still sits on the UN’s Human Rights Board…?

Thinking faceClown faceEarth globe americas

Do you have a little more insight / any light you can shed on the upcoming confrontation within the CCP? Q: How do we counter ChiCom 5th Column Threats inside our country if the US-China Cold War goes HOT ? Is China willing to actually use military force to bring Taiwan into the fold, knowing that the West can’t allow 60% of all semiconductor production to be under direct ccp control? Thoughts on The Protracted Game, by Scott Boorman?

Are you familiar with the Fourth Turning ? Because it sure seems like we are in it now.  Have you ever read the Book of Enoch? Referring to this video by @ChinaUncensored (would love to see you guys talk again!)

China’s Communist Party Crumbles! Factional Infighting Heats Up
Probability of kinetic war w/China in the next 12 mos?
Do you think the illumination of consciousness will happen soon?

And what do you think about the prophecies of the great Catholic prince?  
Are you familiar with Byzantine Catholics?

What do you see as the biggest spiritual divide between Catholics and Protestants?

Have you ever read a copy of The Vulgate?

 As a fellow Catholic, do you have a Mass preference? Latin? Novus Ordo?

There have been whispers about civilizations inside the Earth. Why?


Lauren DoVale on Twitter: “Joe’s answer on raising taxes…..sound familiar?

6uilding 6ack 6etter plan will cost us zero dollars yeah ok Joe. Let’s Go Brandon

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