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NEW YORK CITY (WABC) — COVID-19 Data: Neighborhood Profiles – NYC Health

Biden’s COVID Christmas disaster concludes craptastic year for the president.
7 On Your Side Investigates has been tracking the areas with the most COVID-19 cases for nearly two years. The data usually takes us to places like Corona, Queens, and the Bronx. But for the first time, we’re seeing surges not in the outer boroughs, but in Manhattan. “This new variant is just ripping through Manhattan,” said Councilmember Keith Powers, who is a member of the Health Committee and represents some of the hardest-hit areas. 

More 7 On Your Side Investigates | NYC transitioning homeless from hotels to traditional shelters.

Search: COVID positivity rates by neighborhood:
The current zip codes with the highest infection rates tend to be younger,
more affluent areas of Manhattan, along with Brooklyn and Long Island City. Search this interactive map to find the positivity rate in each New York City neighborhood. While portions of Staten Island and Breezy Point have double-digit positivity, it’s Lower Manhattan, the areas in dark purple, with the highest rates — from the West Village with 16%, to Greenwich with 15%, to Murray Hill with a 14% positivity rate as of Thursday afternoon.

They’re areas with some of the highest vaccination rates.
“I think there are a lot of breakthrough cases that are happening, of course, they’re not all breakthroughs, some people are unvaccinated,” Powers said. “These are young areas where people are congregating together at bars or holiday parties or just getting together, and so it’s not a surprise that It would move so fast through these areas.” They’re also people who are living in areas with access to more COVID-19 testing sites. 
“This reflects a combination of actual activity of COVID 19, particularly of omicron, as well as the fact that there are more people seeking and getting to test in those places,” New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi said. The city’s working this week to expand capacity and testing sites into more neighborhoods. They also started handing out tests people can take
from home.

The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, by Lyle Rossiter, Jr., M.D. The official website of The Liberal Mind:
The Psychological Causes of Political Madness. Please take a few minutes to read about a book that will change forever the way you look at politics.

Why do people hold liberal-left positions? (Liberal and left were once very different, but not anymore.)

This question has plagued me because I have long believed that most people, liberal or conservative, mean well. Very few people wake up in the morning planning to harm society. Yet, many liberal positions — I emphasize liberal positions rather than liberals because most people who call themselves liberal do not hold most contemporary liberal positions — have been wreaking havoc on America and the world.
How, then, can decent and often very smart people hold liberal positions?
There are many reasons, but the two greatest may be naivete and narcissism. Each alone causes problems, but when combined in the same person, they are particularly destructive.
At the heart of liberalism is the naive belief that people are basically good.
As a result of this belief, liberals rarely blame people for the evil they do.
Instead, they blame economics, parents, capitalism, racism, and anything
else that can let the individual off the hook.

A second naive liberal belief is that because people are basically good, talking with people who do evil is always better than fighting, let alone killing, them. “Negotiate with Saddam,” “Negotiate with the Soviets,” “War never solves anything,” “Think peace,” “Visualize peace” — the liberal mind is filled with naive cliches about how to deal with evil.
Indeed, the very use of the word “evil” greatly disturbs liberals. It shakes up their child-like views of the world, that everybody is at heart a decent person who is either misunderstood or led to do unfortunate things by outside forces.
“Child-like” is operative. The further left you go, the less you like growing up. That is one reason so many professors are on the left. Never leaving school from kindergarten through adulthood enables one to avoid becoming a mature adult. It is no wonder a liberal professor has recently argued that children should have the vote. He knows in his heart that he is not really an adult, so why should he and not a chronological child be allowed to vote?
The second major source of modern liberalism is narcissism, the unhealthy preoccupation with oneself and one’s feelings. We live in the Age of Narcissism. As a result of unprecedented affluence and luxury, preoccupation with one’s psychological state, and a hedonistic culture, much of the West, America included, has become almost entirely feelings directed.

That is one reason “feelings” and “compassion” are two of the most often
used liberal terms. “Character” is no longer a liberal word because it implies self-restraint. “Good and evil” are not liberal words either as they imply a moral standard beyond one’s feelings. In assessing what position to take on moral or social questions, the liberal asks him or herself, “How do I feel about it?” or “How do I show the most compassion?” not “What is right?” or “What
is wrong?” For the liberal, right and wrong are dismissed as unknowable, and every person chooses his or her own morality.
A good example of liberal narcissism is the liberal position on abortion.
For the liberal, the worth of a human fetus, whether it is allowed to live or to
be extinguished, is entirely based on the feelings of the mother. If the mother wants to give birth, the fetus is of incomparable worth; if the mother doesn’t, the fetus has the value of a decayed tooth.
There are not many antidotes to this lethal combination of naivete and narcissism. Both are very comfortable states compared to growing up and confronting evil, compared to making one’s feelings subservient to a higher standard. And comfortable people don’t like to be made uncomfortable.
Hence the liberal attempt to either erase the Judeo-Christian code or at
least remove its influence from public life.
Nothing could provide a better example of contemporary liberalism than
the liberal battle to remove the Ten Commandments from all public places. Liberals want suggestions, not commandments. BOMBSHELL!!! Dr. Zelenko Exposes Medical Tyranny Plan to Enslave Humanity Ahead of Depopulation (

If you truly want to learn how liberals think:
Watch PBS NewsHour | Season 2021 | December 22, 2021 | full episode | PBS

This is from 1980

The L.A. Times below is 2016
How Donald Trump really won the White House

In Florida, as you would expect, the panhandle, bordering Alabama and Georgia (Tallahassee and Jacksonville, for example), are where you’re going
to hear country music blaring and see confederate flags waving. As you move down state, it becomes more liberal so, for example, Tampa and Orlando and even Palm Beach skew blue. Miami is an interesting mix.
There’s a large Hispanic community that traditionally has voted red because Republicans oppose Castro so that appeals to the older generation. But Cuba
is not that relevant to the younger folks so it’s something of a wash, and the Miami area skews bluer in elections by far.
Considering that Florida has 4.8 million registered Dems and only 4.6 registered Reps, it’s confounding to the Dems that we keep getting governors who should be in jail. (Scott, who this idiotic state has now voted into the Senate, was an absolute criminal when he ran Columbia/HCA and oversaw
the largest Medicare fraud in history. From the Sun Sentinel, 10/2/18: “In its settlement with the government, the company admitted to 14 felonies related to fraudulent billing and practices. Most happened under Scott’s leadership.” But Florida made him governor twice, and now Senator. Politics is tribal, no matter how bad your candidate is.
But the state also has 3.6 million unregistered or “other party” voters, so getting out the vote and convincing enough independents to vote is where it’s at. Also, overcoming rampant Republican voter suppression (reducing hours and polling places, reducing acceptable ID, making it harder to get ID, not to mention overturning the will of the people and making it harder for felons to get their voting rights back after serving their time, etc.), and gerrymandering. Republicans can’t win on their policies – not enough people support white supremacy and turning America into The Handmaid’s Tale, as sound policy. So, they have to cheat.

Since 1995 when W. Bush took office as governor from Democrat Ann Richards, Texas has been conservative red. All, ALL of the statewide offices are in republican hands. The Lege is so red it could pass an ultra-conservative bill in both houses, the senate and the house, without any democrats voting for it. That’s called a supermajority. Nevertheless, Texas follows the national pattern of big cities, blue, rural, red.
Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso are all liberal and my hometown of Fort Worth, consistently the reddest of the big counties, Tarrant, went for Beto O’Rourke last November in his defeat to Ted Cruz. But the current Mayor “a good friend of Dirty mouthed Donnie” just won re-election earlier this month (May 2019.) The south border is also blue and that’s not illegal voting, that’s the citizens of Brownsville up to the streets of Laredo.
The rest, mostly rural Texas, is red.

Still liberals get outvoted. There are 25 million Texans, 13 million are red, 12 million are blue. Liberals have no say in how our statewide government is run. However, the conservatives wouldn’t have a clue on how to run a big city, In Massachusetts, the more conservative areas tend to be the richer towns, and the towns south of Boston where all the people settled after moving out of South Boston when the city desegregated the school system.
There seems to be a correlation between that racist migration and their politics, and you’d like to believe it’s coincidence, but probably not. While in Louisiana Except for New Orleans, and Orleans Parish, Louisiana is a Conservative state. In the 2016 Presidential election, Louisiana’s electoral votes went to Trump, while New Orleans & Orleans Parish support the Democratic Party candidate. Other metropolitan areas like Shreveport, Baton Rouge and those with large black populations, voted Democrat, but the suburbs and the country areas are overwhelmingly Republican.

The simple answer is if you live in the city you tend to be more progressive
and socialist, because most things involve your neighbor and government is
an integral part of your daily life. The Government runs sewer, water, trash, parks, cops etc. etc. etc., in the rural areas we have septic and a well.
I don’t/can’t even see my neighbor from my house, I never see a cop or govt person and don’t want to. I don’t need or want government interference/Help.
So, I vote for people who at least say they want to downsize the government.
Cities are progressive and rural areas are conservative in general. Most states that is true. TRUMP Had 88 million Twitter Followers | Biden has 16.2 million (Many Bots & Trolls.)

People didn’t vote for Trump because of race.
It is a different thought on life either government help/intrusion or freedom from that. In Washington state we call the area of Liberal overlords live in Pugetopolis (the area surrounding Puget Sound) – essentially the hard-core leftist/progressive areas of Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia for the core cities and primarily King, Pierce and Thurston counties with the rest of the state being the actual productive portions (agriculture/logging/fishing/manufacturing) and very conservative. We are the exact example of why a pure democracy would be the death knell of the country. 
The high-density population of those 3 counties is enough to override the rest of the state so the powers in Olympia can rape the rest of the state and spend taxpayer dollars on foolish and corrupt programs that only seem to benefit the Democratic elite. The history of Seattle is one of political corruption almost from its inception and that has been the model for state government ever since. The last time the rest of the state rallied, and we tried to elect a Republican governor, we were subjected to multiple “recounts” of ballots until enough
“Lost or misplaced” ballots had been “found” to overturn the election and put the incumbent Democrat back in place… even though the voter turnout in some counties exceeded the number of registered voters… and then the Democrat State Attorney General declined to investigate for voter fraud…

Once again, the cautionary tale to all those who truly don’t understand the genius of the Electoral College – lose that and the country goes the way of Washington state… forever….

Also. The Denver Metro area, Boulder, and Aspen have been traditionally liberal. The Front Range north of Denver has become more liberal.
South central part of the state, south of Pueblo, has been more solidly liberal
in recent years. Central mountains are now purple, used to be solid red.
The eastern plains solid red as is the western part of the state boarding Utah. There are a couple of counties in the southwest that have become more liberal in the last few years. Colorado Springs, home of the state’s religious right is solid red of course as are the counties immediately northwest and south.
Larger cities tend toward liberalism, smaller towns and rural areas conservatism.
The more you are exposed to others, the more liberal you tend to become
as you realize we all worry about our jobs, our kids, whether the country
(or world) is going in the right direction.

What parts of your state are most conservative and liberal? – Quora
red and blue political map of Colorado:
Map: Colorado Voter Party Affiliation by County
Doug Schwartz – Quora


Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, is now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45, according to an analysis covering overdose cases in America.
Families Against Fentanyl, the research organization, revealed that the drug has claimed more lives since 2020 than Covid-19, suicide, and car accidents.
In 2020, the nation recorded 37,208 fentanyl deaths and 41,587 in 2021 between the studied age ranges, according to the organization.

Fentanyl is not a pure drug made of monolithic ingredients. In fact, the narcotic is often laced in a mixture of cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, Xanax, oxycontin, and marijuana.
One person dies from fentanyl overdose every 8.57 minutes, contributing to
a 64 percent responsibility rate for total drug fatalities. Fentanyl is primarily produced in China, transported in large quantities to Mexico, and then smuggled across our southern border.

While Joe Biden has done nothing to curtail the deadly substance, the state of Texas has taken matters into its own hands. In effort to combat the infiltration, the Texas National Guard and Texas Dept. of Public Safety are cracking down on drug runners. In November, Texas authorities intercepted enough fentanyl to “kill everyone in Texas, California, and New York,” tweeted Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas.

Illegal Immigrants are taking advantage of U.S. and the Biden administration’s open border policy, the Mexican cartels have been incentivized without fear of consequence for bringing the drugs into the United States. More than 11,000 pounds of fentanyl has been seized by Customs and Border Protection, making the fentanyl the number one trafficked drug of 2021. Without any help from the Oval Office to mitigate the flood of death producing substances pouring across the border, Texas has begun adding to the border wall that was constructed under President Trump.

In December, Gov. Abbott held a press conference to celebrate the new border wall construction in Rio Grande City, Texas. “Texas is taking what truly is unprecedented action by any state ever,” said Abbot. Fentanyl’s destruction across the country adds only more justification for why we need strict border policies, and proves that every town, no matter the location, is a border town.

12 States with the Highest Taxes in America.
Americans’ state and local taxes vary, sometimes significantly, depending on where they live.
WalletHub, the personal finance website, sought to find out how aggressively states tax their citizens by measuring the proportion of total personal income that residents pay toward state and local taxes to arrive at an overall tax burden for each state.

Researchers compared the 50 states across the three tax types of state tax burdens — property taxes, individual income taxes, and sales and excise taxes — as a share of total personal income in the state.
They found that the highest and lowest state tax burdens differ by more than seven percentage points.

WalletHub released the results Wednesday along with a list of facts about this year’s tax landscape.

WITH 11 of these 12 states with the biggest tax burdens being LIBERAL STATES.

1. New York
Total tax burden: 12.79%
Property tax burden: 4.4%
Individual income tax burden: 4.96%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.43%

2. Hawaii
Total tax burden: 12.19%
Property tax burden: 2.45%
Individual income tax burden: 3.09%
Total sales and excise tax: 6.65%

3. Vermont
Total tax burden: 10.75%
Property tax burden: 5.04%
Individual income tax burden: 2.41%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.3%

4. Maine
Total tax burden: 10.5%
Property tax burden: 4.6%
Individual income tax burden: 2.45%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.45%

5. Connecticut
Total tax burden: 10.44%
Property tax burden: 4.06%
Individual income tax burden: 3.56%
Total sales and excise tax: 2.82%

6. Minnesota
Total tax burden: 9.99%
Property tax burden: 2.86%
Individual income tax burden: 3.68%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.45%

7. New Jersey
Total tax burden: 9.98%
Property tax burden: 4.94%
Individual income tax burden: 2.47%
Total sales and excise tax: 2.57%

8. Rhode Island
Total tax burden: 9.69%
Property tax burden: 4.44%
Individual income tax burden: 2.29%
Total sales and excise tax: 2.96%

9. Illinois
Total tax burden: 9.52%
Property tax burden: 4%
Individual income tax burden: 2.11%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.41%

10. California
Total tax burden: 9.48%
Property tax burden: 2.64%
Individual income tax burden: 3.78%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.06%

11. Kansas
Total tax burden: 9.36%
Property tax burden: 3.12%
Individual income tax burden: 2.28%
Total sales and excise tax: 3.96%

12. Maryland
Total tax burden: 9.32%
Property tax burden: 2.67%
Individual income tax burden: 3.89%
Total sales and excise tax: 2.76%

Is it safe to eat at restaurants amid Omicron surges?
Here’s what the experts say (

Podcast: Larry Summers Predicts the Economic Future,
and It Doesn’t Look Good – Bloomberg

Virus Expert Warns These Six States Will Have Next Surge (
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Why Biden Is Winning Big, Even with A Bad Hand |
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Biden Won Big Despite Slim Majorities in Congress – The Atlantic
Why Biden Is Winning Big, Even with A Bad Hand – YouTube
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America’s Heartland tv show dairy farms – Bing video
Growing a Greener World – The Spark in Sparta
Sparta Georgia Mushrooms – Bing video
 What makes a liberal democracy?
 What makes a liberal arts college?
What makes a liberal…liberal? 
What makes a liberal mind? 
What makes a liberal tick?

If Your Soul is in the Right Place, You’re Giving Back!!!

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