Spiritual Healing

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How do we restore ourselves, heal our spirit and revitalize the earth too?

Spiritual self healing – Bing
Healing the spiritual self – Bing
Healing the spiritual body – Bing
Healing the spiritual heart – Bing
Healing collective spiritual reset.
Healing the spirit LifeNet – Bing video
Glow spiritual healing and wellness,

What is true healing, anyway, and can it be affected?
By Lama Surya Das, Contributor

Three key numbers that explain America’s labor shortage.
The American middle class used to signify economic security.
That’s now quickly becoming a luxury only the wealthiest can afford.

Last week someone told me that in his eighty-odd years he had never seen such pervasive levels of fear and anger. This observation gave me pause to wonder: how do we restore ourselves, heal our spirit and revitalize the earth too?

What is true healing, anyway, and can it be affected?

Healing the Spirit When we are unwell, it’s mostly due to imbalances.
Clogging our lives and limiting our innate capacity for joy and well-being. These internal imbalances and energy blockages often express themselves as disturbing emotions–anger, frustration, anxiety and alienation, to name a few, and also manifest through the physical body as ulcers and allergies, migraines, back pain and other forms of dis-ease great and small.
The root cause of these and other imbalances of mind-body-spirit are very much in line with the Buddhist notion that our own obscurations and illusions cause all of our afflictions and suffering, of all kinds– at the outer, inner and at the subtlest levels as well.
Conflicting emotions and delusion results in unwholesome acts which bring us low, mentally, physically, energetically, spiritually and physically. In fact, longevity as well as vitality is also negatively impacted by these karmic imbalances.

The following Five Secrets illustrate how we can bring our body, speech, energy and heart-mind into harmony with awareness-wisdom, the vital wholeness of genuine well-being and ethical reality. Don’t tell anyone: these are just for you.

let’s consider our connection: Is it really broken or wounded?

5 Secrets for Healing the Spirit!!!
This is the first secret, which requires you to question and clarify this for yourself. What is it that can be hurt, wounded, or injured? Only the impermanent construct of the separate, bubble-like individual self can be subject to loss and suffering. Pain is inevitable in life, suffering is more optional; it depends more on what you make of things than on what happens around and to you. Introspect deeply and continuously, and see if you can’t, recognize the unbreakable and untouchable original nature of beingness that exists within, beyond false endurance or even resilience. To know this is to bring the mind into balance by dissolving the numberless distracting doubts, questions, and superficial anxieties that usually affect it. You heal and restore the spirit whenever, wherever, and however you contact your adamantine original goodness, thus achieving inner peace and contentment.

The second secret to healing spirit — asking for help — echoes in all the timeless world traditions. One example is found in the Bible’s shortest prayer from Moses, who, when his elderly wife was very ill, prayed simply: “Lord, please heal her.” We ourselves could learn a lot from the simplicity and humility, honesty, vulnerability and earnestness in the old master’s sincere prayer. Even if you’re not a particularly Higher Power-oriented or prayerful person; who among us hasn’t instinctively turned our thoughts upward amidst a dire crisis, perhaps when a child was involved?
Asking for help is a good thing to do, when needed, even if it’s just to human sources. No one can do it all alone.
Recent research by Drs. Larry Dossey, Herbert Benson, and Richard Davidson among others reveals that prayer, mental resolve, mindfulness cultivation and altruism can all help make a significant difference in healing as well as raising our happiness quotient. Even the placebo effect can work in our favor! Finding words to ask for help is a way we can heal the spirit and find peace. This is not just simple faith healing; it includes intentional mental cultivation through repeated practice, including powerful and profound, contemplative techniques and spiritual exercises such as meditation, chanting, creative visualization, yoga, breath & energy work, and the like.

The third secret to healing the spirit recognizes that the Holy Spirit or inner light can be understood as the Breath–the universal language that opens every tongue and every ear to every language. It is no accident that the word breath in many ancient languages also refers to spirit: “Ruach” in Hebrew; “prana”
in Sanskrit; “pneuma” in Greek; “spiritus” in Latin. No wonder that to be with breath is to be in the spirit and heal the spirit. God and Buddha are closer to us than our own breath, our own heartbeat.
The practice of being fully with one’s breath is to get embodied and in the present moment. In this way, there’s no pushing away from what is unwanted in your body, there’s no rejection of where you’re at. Let yourself find a natural rhythm of breath. Imagine the in-breath bringing with it infinite healing capacities, letting it fill all the cells of the body with purity and well-being.
Let go of all expectations as you do this, just letting yourself be present with each breath. Breathe, relax, focus, center and smile.

The fourth secret for healing the spirit is to try to take advantage of
The Pearl Principle: no inner irritation, no pearl gets produced.
Crisis implies opportunity and can be a great catalyst for meaningful reflection and transformative change. In truth, there are not unequivocally good or bad things or experiences, only the wanted and the unwanted; everything is subjective. Rather than instinctively pushing pain and woundedness away, as usual, we can choose to transmute them into helpful healing gifts we embrace and eventually share, like turning broken heartedness into heart-opening experience.
Thus, increasing our empathy, compassion and sensitivity to those who likewise suffer.
A former addict becomes the best drug counselor; the cancer survivor who told me he’d never have found himself and his true vocation without the disease he received (he was thirty when I met him). Turning the leaden base metal of suffering and angst into the golden treasure of generous service, finding one’s purpose and deep connection with others are important tools. Each time you utilize the Pearl Principle, you heal your spirit and touch the spirit of others like a Medicinal Midas.

The fifth key to healing ourselves is not what happens to us as much as reshaping and reframing the story we tell ourselves about it. Woundedness, like victimhood, is mostly a narrative or story we tell ourselves; how much we suffer from our pains and difficulties depends very much on our attitude towards it, our frame of reference. When you get locked into the impermanent yet powerful I-centered view of how you are a victim and place your attention too much upon what others are thinking, saying and doing, you will suffer emotionally. Loving kindness — wishing well for others — and heartfelt empathy compassion are great protections from the pernicious disease and restlessness of anger, fear, resentment, jealousy and bitterness. We can’t truly heal the spirit unless we find ways to make love of ourselves complete and unconditional. Love is a total attention that can deepen and become the fullness of loving presence, in which we’ve embraced, forgiven, and accepted ourselves completely. Here is true healing, not far from what theists call divine love.

Why are we so often afraid to genuinely embrace and totally accept ourselves?
This is where inner healing begins and radiates outward. These Five Secrets reveal that the mind is mightier than the sword. Here we’re not just talking about your personal egocentric mind and intellect, but deeper consciousness and spiritual awareness.
This soulful vehicle can be a vessel for ultimate healing as well as relative lifestyle improvements when we can learn how to step out of our own way and let our higher selves and true connection to the All come into play. Whether you are using prayer, breath practice, self-inquiry, the Pearl Principle, relational mindfulness with a partner, or crafting a new narrative story, you can recognize that there are many ways and skillful means to achieving peace and harmony. Most importantly, trust yourself to find the appropriate path to healing the imbalances in your life, and let’s undertake together this necessary journey — so uplifting both now and later.

No matter what, an oppressed spirit can and will rise again given the right support and guidance from Source who help show the way to heal all wounds and get the energy flowing again. Hate and resentment is a breeding ground
for disease. Anger is the fuel for the fire that burns oneself, and close-minded ignorance hides the truth that saves. Let’s strive to learn how to free the spirit, set a new course and intention for our life, let go and surrender, and learn simple daily ways to renew the self, re-ignite your passionate inner fire and fan it into flame, and soar on high.

Healing the Wounded Spirit: God’s Remedy for Persistent Hurts.

The Broken Condition Described.

Jesus has come to heal the inside as well as the outside!
In my walk with the Lord since childhood and being in full time vocational ministry for over 45 years, I found that one of the most common needs among believers and non-believers alike, is the need for inner healing.  I have needed Jesus to heal my wounded spirit and heal my broken heart in different seasons of my life. I am sure that you can relate.
Scripture uses the terms heart and spirit often interchangeably.  One thing for sure, we each need to tend to the condition of our heart because out of it flows the issues of life.  Let’s get healed up on the inside now so that we will not blow up later when pressures of life increase. So go on a journey with me into this sensitive and greatly needed subject of Healing the Wounded Spirit.

Primary Scriptures to Consider:
Proverbs 18:14 “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?
Proverbs 15:13 “A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.”
Proverbs 14:10 “The heart knows its own bitterness and a stranger does not share its joy.”
Hurt, Wounded, Rejected
In the realm of your emotions, you may feel stepped on, overlooked, crushed, bruised, and your life has gone out of you. Quote from John Wimber of the Vineyard Movement!


“While sickness of the spirit is caused by what we do.
Sickness of the emotions is generally caused by what is done to us.
It grows out of the hurts done to us by other persons or some experience we have been exposed to in the past. These hurts affect us in the present, in the form of bad memories and weak or wounded emotions. This in turn leads us into various forms of sin, depression, a sense of worthlessness and inferiority, unreasoning fears and anxieties, psychosomatic illnesses, etc. Included in this are the present-day effects of the sins of the parents in the bloodline of a person. Thus, healing of past hurts touches the emotions, the memories, and the person’s bloodline.”

Quote from John and Paula Sandford of the Elijah House.
“Christian healing comes then not by making a broken thing good enough to work, but by delivering us from the power of that broken thing so that it can
no longer rule us, and by teaching us to trust His righteousness to shine in and through that very thing.  Those who are healing by restoring the self-image are causing people to trust in something repaired in the flesh, a practice reshaped in their old carnal nature, doomed sooner or later to failure. Whereas the Lord heals by leaving the broken part right in place, overcoming it by its nature. Our trust as Christians can only always be solely in His righteousness in us, as us, for us!”

Experts Tend to Agree on Certain Things:
People have problems that sometimes remain untouched by conversion, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Bible study, and personal prayer and devotional life.
Hidden in the recesses of the subconscious mind are hurts and wounds that are surrounded by feelings that still adversely affect people in the present.
The focus of healing of past hurts is to release those hurtful memories in such
a way that they no longer have a negative effect on a person’s present or future experience.

This is primarily done through the act of forgiveness.

From Luke 4:18
Receiving and Releasing Forgiveness
,Jesus came to “heal the brokenhearted and set at liberty those who are bruised.” You must acknowledge that Jesus took your pain and carried your sorrows. “See Me,” says the Lord, Turn on the Search Light of God’s Spirit.
Jesus called the Holy Spirit the finger of God.
Let the Lord specifically point out the bitterness, hurts, wounds, and rejections.
Don’t conjure things up. Let Him who sees and knows all, bring hurts to your remembrance. Pray something like: “Father, in Jesus’ name, by the power of the Holy Spirit, please place into my mind the names of people from my life (from childhood to the present) that I need to forgive.”

Forgive, Forgive, Forgive

“Father, in Jesus’ name I forgive ______.”

The Effects of Unforgiveness (Matthew 18).

The servant asked for an extension of time, but the master had mercy and forgave the whole debt. That servant did not understand, but instead left the master and began to extract from fellow a servant the debts he owed in order
to pay back the debt he thought he still owed. The master became aware of the servant’s behavior and put him in prison to be tormented.

The result of unforgiveness is, in essence, torment.

Choose Forgiveness

What Is Involved in Forgiving Someone?
Forgiveness is a decision based on an act of the will.

It involves: Recognizing that I’ve been totally forgiven.

Releasing the person who wounded me from the debt they owe me for the offense. “Lord, I forgive (name of person) for (specifics).
Accepting the person who wounded me as they are and releasing them from the responsibility of having to meet my needs. I take authority over the enemy, and in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of His resurrection life, I take back the ground I have allowed Satan to gain in my life because of my attitude with (name). I now choose to give this ground back to my Lord Jesus Christ.”

Exercising Authority in Jesus’ Name.

Breaking the Power of Inherited Family Spiritual Conditions.

“On numerous occasions, we have found people who are the victims of their parents’ sin and excesses. We have encountered families that have had a history of alcoholism, sexual perversion, child molestation, and other types of social and emotional abuse. After breaking the power of inherited family and spiritual conditions, we have seen these social behaviors altered, and in a large majority of cases, entirely eliminated. This is true when we are able to minister to the victim as well as the perpetrator of the abuse. I might add it is almost always in conjunction with other types of therapy.”

(For reference, see Numbers 14:18; Exodus 20:3-5; 34:7; Jeremiah 32:18; Lamentations 5:7; Leviticus 26:39-40; Nehemiah 9:2, 16; Deuteronomy 5:9; 2 Chronicles 29:3-9.)

The Place of Personal Repentance:
You must turn from any anger or bitterness toward the person who has wounded you and receive forgiveness from God (John 20:23).
You must recognize your own responsibility and choice in responding and reacting to the hurt by choosing any self-image that is non-biblical and destructive. By repenting from the sin of faulty self-perception, you will open the way for a new image to be formed according to God’s Word (Romans 12:1-2).

You must forgive yourself. Pray a simple prayer such as:
“Dear Lord, you have forgiven me and forgotten my sin. I am not higher than You. Therefore, I choose to forgive and release myself and to forget my sin.
With Your blood, wash away my guilt and shame and even the remembrance of my sin, in Jesus’ name. Amen.” You must forgive and release God Himself.
Pray a simple prayer such as: “God, I know that You are holy and cannot sin.
You do all things well. My attitude toward You has been one of questioning and bitterness. This is sin. I repent of it. Wash it out of me with Your blood.
I realize evil comes from Satan, not from You. Forgive me for blaming You for any of the works of the enemy. I can and do trust you with my life. I trust that You will cause all things to work together for good in my life. Thank you for your abounding love and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Wisdom Reminders

You Are a Product of Your Decisions.

The power of a free will and free choice is a great gift from God! “Choose this day whom you will serve.” What happens to you in life is not as important as how you respond to your circumstances. Victims blame others. Victors take personal responsibility for their decisions and reactions and get back to winning in life! You cannot change your past, but you can change its impact on your present and future. Renew Your Mind!
You must renew your mind on a regular basis through worship,
Bible study, meditation, and praying in the Spirit (Romans 12:1-2).

Walk Together

Walk with Caring Members of the Body of Christ.
It is important to walk with other committed members of the body of Christ to experience ongoing growth. This will help in bringing continued healing to past hurts and restore your faith, hope and love. Love steps out on a limb and is vulnerable.

Major on Your New Nature in Christ.
To keep a healthy, biblical balance (and avoid a negative and introverted attitude caused by an overemphasis on inner healing) focus on your new nature in Christ. The Biblical depiction of your new nature will always give you a truer, more real and trustworthy evaluation that’s provided by your own weaknesses, fears, anger, memories, etc.—not to mention the accuser of the brethren! (Refer to Romans 8:1-2; 28:35; Eph. 4:20-24; Revelation 12:11; Galatians 2:20).

Praise the Lord!
Restore the gate of praise. Give an offering of thanksgiving. Jesus has healed your broken heart!

Prayer of Blessing and Thanksgiving.
“Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to heal the broken hearted and set at liberty those who are bruised. I am so grateful for the power of the blood of Jesus to forgive and cleanse me. Thank You for the gift of free choice and that every day can be the first day of a new life. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me. Thank You for all Your amazing benefits!
Yes, I will praise Your holy name from this time forth and forever more!
Amen and Amen.”

In the Compassion of Jesus!
“Offer up every joy,

Be awake at all moments to the news
That is always arriving
Out of silence.”

-Rainer Maria Rilke
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