Let’s Raise the Vibration on Earth

Raising the Earth to the Next Vibration
 Peter Horttanainen

Everything is energy. Everything is vibrating at different frequencies. Even rocks, furniture, etc. are vibrating, only at a much lower, denser frequency. As long as everything and everyone on the Earth is vibrating at the same low, slow frequency things will stay the same. The frequency has to be raised so the Earth can split off and enter a new dimension. It is the same thing that happens to our own Earth bodies.
As we learn the lessons of the physical plane we can “graduate” to another higher dimension on the spirit side, and not have to return to the Earth school. We can progress, because we will have outgrown this earthly school. Thus the Earth itself is getting ready to “graduate”, to leave the familiar, the status quo, and progress into something much higher. Yet the new Earth without human beings and life in its many diverse forms would be as an empty house. Just four walls without a soul inside. There had to be a way for the humans to also evolve so they can go with the Earth. The humans would have to also raise their vibrations. This was easier said than done, considering how many eons mankind had been trapped here. Then I understood. The karma they had before coming into this world will be left with the “old” Earth. That is where karma will continue to exist.

It has no part in the New Earth.
As their influences grow, they raise the vibration of the earth, raise the consciousness of the earth. On a quantum physics level, it creates a high frequency vibration of energy, a sacred vibration. At the same time the density of the magnetic field of earth is decreasing and has been for the last two thousand years. That release of density of the magnetic field allows the density of consciousness to begin to awaken to that information that is coming in. It allows you to become channels for that information. It allows the soul consciousness to begin to awaken. Where the law of physics is concerned, when you have a high vibration that maintains itself within a field as a dominant vibration, it begins the law of entrainment. It begins to raise the vibration of everything of a lower density to its higher vibration. When that happens, it shakes everything up. You create a spiritual crisis. And that’s what you’re in on your planet, a spiritual crisis—all the dualities coming to the surface, into the light. The shadow is rising from the subconscious to be brought into balance, to be healed. It’s a healing crisis.
That’s exactly what’s taking place, shaken to the core. All the defenses are being shaken
up so the core can reveal itself. Integration is taking place. But in all integration, what happens with duality is you see the extremes of the two sides first. At the same time in this new two-thousand-year cycle you’re moving out of the sixth ray of consciousness, which is the ray of duality that controlled the Piscean age during the last two thousand years.
As that moves out, it creates a crisis. And the seventh ray is moving in, which is the ray of the unified field, which is the spiritual ray that restructures everything in the physical that is out of sync or out of balance. It begins to destroy all systems that are in duality.
What that means is all the old systems you have known are beginning to break down.

They’re going into a crisis. J: What kinds of systems? G: Your corporate systems,
your economic system, your capitalistic system as you have known it, your governmental political systems. Anything that is in separation or duality now will be in the extreme of its duality as it begins to break down. Civilization as you have known it has reached a point of crisis. Now it’s beginning to break down. It’s beginning to crumble. Whenever anything begins to crumble, when it reaches a point of crisis, it fights to maintain its reality. Just as an animal is cornered in the forest by a couple of other animals, it will fight like crazy to survive.

So what’s coming?
What is coming, ultimately, is the breakdown of the system as you have known it and its transformation into a system that is not divided upon itself. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. So it must fall apart before it can be rebuilt.
It is worrisome to those who try to keep it in place. But it is not worrisome to the awakening soul that exists in the truth that lies outside of duality. What you are talking about here that you fear is the breakdown of the veil of illusion, of separation. That’s all. And what is taking place will bring, in the crisis, humanity together to build something anew, a new system, a new form that will embrace the good of the whole. But first you must develop an awareness of the other side, how extreme that other side of duality has gone.

What do you mean by the other side? 
The side that is in separation, the side that is in control, the side that seeks to conquer, the side that seeks to dominate. Because basically you have developed a consumer culture in the Western culture, and it has permeated the world. That consumer culture is consuming itself. There isn’t enough to go around anymore because the focus has all been on the outside, in the physical, to get a sense of satisfaction and gratification by consuming all your resources, by consuming one another’s spirit.
It’s all money and consumption. And what it creates is alienation. It creates more and more isolation, alienation and aloneness, protection and defense. When only a few people are controlling everything, they have to do everything they can to defend that control. Everything that opposes their control becomes their enemy.

What do you mean, we were informed this would be an opportunity?
 What we do is we read soul grids. And we keep in touch with all the soul grids where the general populace and the evolution of the planet is concerned, and the individual populace is at certain levels of soul development. There are many levels of soul development. When a soul gets to a certain level of soul development because of the number of incarnations it has had and what it has learned from those incarnations, it is ready then to move to a different level of soul development. At that level of soul development, they can access certain levels of knowledge and information as a soul in its service because each soul is in service to the divine plan. And each soul is in service to every other soul in the divine plan. One for all and all for one kind of idea. And so the channel chose on a soul level to be of service in relation to informing spiritual evolution and the development of this new awakening in this incarnational cycle. Thus, the doorway of opportunity was opened to us.
Very simply, the divine plan for physical matter in the earth is to learn to love. That is the divine plan. Now what does it mean to learn to love? Love is a force, a force of God, a force of creation, a force of being. Therefore, learning to love means learning to awaken, realize, accept, express, and experience in the fullest way possible the experience, expression, and potential of your being as an individual. That is the divine plan embodied. That is the force of love embodied. That is the soul awakened. So, your purpose in the divine plan is to learn to love.

Now what does love have to do with?
Love brings together the fusion of the consciousness of God in physical form. No more duality—instead, there’s oneness, unity, wholeness, completeness, merging, connection. But in order to do that, the irony, the paradox is that you must first become an individual, because if you do not know yourself as an individual soul, you cannot know another soul. Therefore, you must be willing to reveal the knowledge of who you are and share it with all others freely. You must be willing to uncover the depths of who you are and reveal it, unstintingly, without defense. You must use all of your being to respond to all that life has to offer. You must be willing to stand alone with yourself in order to be unified within yourself. Then, and only then, can you be unified with another. That is the divine plan for the earth. That is the evolutionary cyde you are now coming into.
So now is the time when you must awaken that Christ within you, that Christ Consciousness within you, because Christ Consciousness is soul consciousness. It’s simply your realization of yourself as divine, and your connection and your ability to channel that connection to the divine. So we are the herald of that awakening, to teach you how to awaken that, to make you realize it’s even a possibility and to get you out of this idea that you are separate from Christ, that you are separate from God, and that it is something better than you are. Because all that means is that you’re little children not willing to take responsibility for that level of intelligence and consciousness. That’s all that means.

 How to Raise the Earth’s Vibration!  A Powerful Gaia Meditation.
You’re basically a mass consciousness that is held in place by the collective sleep.
We are asleep. People are indoctrinated. We’ve all been.  


💡💡💡 resultmind 
 I Have created a10 hours of black screen rain, heavy rain, and thunder rain video for you.
Black Screen Rain On Tin Roof 10 Hours, Rain No Thunder Sounds, Hard Rain Sounds For Sleeping – Bing video

Read about these powerful ways to manifest your own positivity, light, and love.
The time has come for us to raise our vibrational forces!

A vibration is a state of being, the atmosphere, or the energetic quality of a person, place, thought, or thing. Much of reading “vibes” is intuitive—you can tell a person’s energy when they walk into a room, for example.

While some people draw you closer, others make you want to keep your distance.
You see a depressing and violent news story; you get a heavy feeling in your gut.
You witness a puppy cuddling with an infant, and you feel a warmth inside.

“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract. Abraham-Hicks

You have heard time and again that whatever you offer out into the world will return back to you, as dictated by the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. This law of the universe says that you are responsible for your life, and can manifest change according to how you direct your thoughts and emotions.

“Everything in life is a vibration.” –Albert Einstein

Raising the Vibration of the Earth! – Deborah King
Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds.
This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. In simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster, and some vibrate slower; there are higher vibrations and lower vibrations.

When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused. Almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author Dr. David Hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness.

The following are 12 ways you can help raise your vibration frequency.
How are you vibrating right now? How about the world?

1. Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the quickest ways to amp up your vibration. Try it right now—
stop reading and look around the room. Turn your attention to what you are thankful for in this moment (there is always something). It might be your purring feline, the beautiful weather, or the fact that you were blessed with another day on this earth. As life coach Tony Robbins said, “You can’t feel fear or anger while feeling gratitude at the same time.” Therefore, when you feel yourself experiencing a low energy emotion, see if you can shift your attention to gratitude. Make gratitude a habit, and it will transform your outlook on life as you start to experience a spiritual awareness and appreciation for the little things.

2. Love

Call to mind someone who is easy to love and hold that person in your heart.
Visualize him or her sitting in front of you and notice how you feel. A feeling of expansion, lightness, and happiness will take over your being, and that right there is the shift you are looking for. Love is one of the highest vibrating states of being (the fourth highest level on the Hawkins’ scale of consciousness) and has the power to pull you out of even the deepest of ditches. Attune your heart to love and your energy will start to soar.

3. Generosity

Anytime you get stingy or greedy with anything (love, attention, money), it lowers your vibration, and it feels bad. In fact, anytime you attach your happiness to something outside of yourself, it leaves you feeling the opposite of how you want to feel. The antidote is to be generous. Whatever you want more of in your life, offer it out to someone or something else. Feeling poor? Give a little money to charity. Feeling lonely? Make an effort to make a stranger smile. Don’t have enough time? Give your time to a good cause.

4. Meditation and Breathwork

Dr. Hawkins’ research was based on the idea that the more “true” something is,
the higher its level of consciousness (or vibration). Therefore, when you train yourself to be present with the moment you are in, you resonate more harmoniously with the truth. The past and the future are only in your mind; the only truth is now. Meditating and breathing mindfully also calms your nervous system, improves your mood, and brings about greater feelings of peace—all high-vibe qualities that will benefit your state of being. This spiritual practice helps to raise your vibration level fast so that you can enjoy those benefits without delay.

5. Forgiveness

According to Abraham-Hicks’ emotional guidance scale, blame is a low energy.
Out of 22 emotions (arranged from highest vibration at number 1 to lowest at 22),
blame is number 15. If you can work toward forgiveness, you will release yourself of
this lower energy that can weigh on you like a bowling ball, and up the scale you will go.

From the epic Indian poem, the Mahabharata:
One should forgive under any injury. It has been said that the continuation of the species is due to man being forgiving. Forgiving is holiness; by forgiveness, the universe is held together. Forgiveness is the might of the mighty. Forgiveness is sacrifice; forgiveness is quiet of mind. Forgiveness and gentleness are the qualities of the self-possessed. They represent eternal virtue.

6. Eat High-Vibe Food

Everything you consume is prana, or life force energy. If you eat a lot of “dead” energy
(In the form of meat, fried, or processed food), you will lower your vibration. By eating nutrient-dense, prana-rich foods, like local and organic fruits and vegetables, your body literally absorbs these things, making you more light, vibrant, and alive. High-vibration food makes a person’s vibration higher.


7. Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol and Toxins from Your Body

While it can temporarily feel good, alcohol is a depressant and lowers a person’s vibration. If you want to be clear, spiritually connected, and have a healthy outlook on life, chances are that eliminating toxins from your body would be a good place to start. Rather than numbing out, adopt a more healthful and holistic way of life and see if you don’t feel more energetically abundant.

8. Think Positive Thoughts

What you think about, you become, and each thought you think creates your future.
If the thoughts you think are pessimistic, overtly anxious, or in any way negative, you will likely find what you are looking for. Just as gratitude draws more of the same into your life, so too does impatience, jealousy, and unworthiness. This negative energy can leave you feeling heavy and burdened. Be diligent about what thoughts you give your attention to, since it can take only 17 seconds for a thought to attract another one like it and activate the Law of Attraction. Push away negative energy and choose positive thoughts, for they are the key to positive change.

9. Surround Yourself with Beauty

While you are at it, be sure your home and work environments reflect beauty, passion, and enthusiasm for life. The right lighting can have a significant impact on your productivity and your mood. Hang art that inspires you. Use colors that calm and rejuvenate you. Reduce clutter and create more space for clarity. Your surroundings have a big effect on how you feel on the inside and live your life.

10. Go for a Walk Outside

A double-whammy for raising your vibration—get some exercise in the great outdoors.
Get the sun on your face while you get your heart pumping. Take a break also from the constant buzz of electricity and technology, and reconnect with Mother Nature.
Even a few minutes spent mindfully outdoors can completely shift your mood, which is why going for a walk around the block when you’re having a mental block or a lover’s quarrel can be so beneficial.

11. Be Sure Your Relationships Are Vibing High

Finally, surround yourself with people who lift you up, rather than drag you down.
Spend time only with people who make you feel better about yourself, people who
believe in you and are interested in resonating at a high frequency just like you are.

It can be tempting to succumb to a feeling of helplessness with regard to the future of
the planet and all its inhabitants. But channeling your efforts into raising your energetic frequency is one of the best gifts you can give the world. When you lift yourself up, you bring others with you. This is the only way you can contribute to raising the collective consciousness of the world.

12. Consume High-Vibe Music, TV, Books, and Movies

Prana is not limited to the food you eat, but includes everything you consume.
Be sure your entertainment is of high vibration and leaves you feeling uplifted rather than depleted. Does social media make you feel energetic or insecure? Does that violent action film actually enhance your mood, or does it contribute to your anxiety? Does the music 
you listen to include violent or low-vibration lyrics? How might changing the soundtrack
of your daily commute from death metal to mantras contribute to the course of your day?
Be as selective about your media intake as you are about the quality of the food you eat,
and you will find newfound energy in your day.

My picks: Classic rock artists/bands from each decade that defined that decade.

50s 🎶 Elvis/Chuck Berry/Ray Charles

60s 🎶 Beatles/Stones/Hendrix/CCR

70s 🎶 Pink Floyd/Led Zeppelin /The Who

80s 🎶 Van Halen/Iron Maiden/Queen/Rush/GNR/MotleyCrüe/Prince

90s 🎶 Nirvana/Pearl Jam/Soundgarden/AIC/STP/Metallica

00s 🎶 Green Day/Radiohead/Coldplay

10s. 🎶 Foo Fighters

If we’re choosing on acts that best ‘defined’ an era rather than necessarily being the best: 50s Elvis/Chuck Berry/ Link Wray/ Buddy Holly, Bill Haley/Eddie Cochran /
Little Richard/Isley Brothers/Gotta Mention Sinatra/
50s Dion & The Belmonts/Big Joe Turner and Carl Perkins/Four seasons/
Billie Holiday/Everly Brothers /Fats Domino 
60s Beatles/Stones/Jimi Hendrix/Led Zeppelin/Simon & Garfunkel/ The Doors /
Janis Joplin/Bob Dylan/Creedence Clearwater Revival/The Kinks/ Jimi Hendrix /Cream/
The Ides of March/ Jim Croce/ Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead/ The Spinners 
There was no rivalry with the Beatles /Beach Boys. Beach Boys were mostly pre – Beatles and their styles were so different. The Stones/Beatles did have a friendly rivalry & attracted a similar audience. The Beatles loved Brian Wilson and vice versa and loved BB vocal harmonies.

70s Led Zeppelin /Lynyrd Skynyrd/David Bowie / Sex Pistols/Black Sabbath/Rolling Stones/Eagles/Genesis/David Bowie / Steely Dan/ Pink Floyd, Yes / Styx/ Dire Straits/ Prince/ Bruce Springsteen/ BeeGees/ Deep Purple/Elton John/Queen/Stevie Wonder/ Doors/Eagles/Slade/Sweet/Van Halen -David Lee Roth ~ Sam Hagar/ ACDC/Cheap Trick/Toto/Meatloaf/ZZ TOP/Foreigner/
70s Aerosmith/Derek and the Dominos/ Eric Clapton/Ramones/Blondie/Kiss/ SuzieQ/ LZ/ ColdChisel/ The Doobie Brothers and Grand Dump Railroad/Deep Purple/Rush/
70s The Stooges/The Clash/ABBA is a Swedish supergroup formed in Stockholm in 1972 by Agnetha Fältskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad had their time under the sun. Also, Heart transitioned into the 1980s; by 1982 Fisher, Fossen, and Derosier had all left and were replaced by Mark Andes (bass) and Denny Carmassi (drums).

The 80s were really tough. Iron Maiden /Ozzy Hard to leave them off this list.
Guns N Roses came in at the tail end and really pushed forward into the 90s too.
80s REO Speedwagon – Hi Infidelity (Full Album) VanHalen/Iron Maiden / U2 /
Molly Hatchet/Tom Petty/ SRV/ZZ Top/ Rush / Prince/ Metallica ~master of puppets /Huey Lewis and the News greatest hits
 The Police/Judas Priest / Dire Straits maybe Springsteen/Queen /John Sykes (Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Blue Murder) Def Leppard/Rush & Pixies/ Bob Seger Silver Bullet band/Cars/Scorpions/Duran Duran/ The Cure/Depeche Mode / Poison / Survivor/Triumph/Motorhead/Dio/ REM/Replacements//Joy Division /Motley Crue/ AC/DC/Divinyls/Angels/Def Leppard/Anthrax and Death Angel/Manic Street Preachers, also known simply as the Manics, are a Welsh rock band formed in Blackwood in 1986./ KMFDM is an initialism for the nonsensical and grammatically incorrect German phrase Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid, which, keeping the same word order, literally translates as “no majority for the pity”, but is typically  given the loose translation of “no pity for the majority”.
I think Metallica would have been better in the 1980s. Master of Puppets full album – Search (bing.com)

Garth Brooks changed Country Music scoring18 No. 1 hits on Billboard magazine’s Hot Country Singles chart. His biggest hits include “The Dance” and “Friends in Low Places” (both 1990); “The Thunder Rolls” (1991); “What She’s Doing Now” (1992); and “Ain’t Goin’ Down (‘Til the Sun Comes Up)” (1993), which was the first song since Glen Campbell‘s 1975 hit “Rhinestone Cowboy” to spend nonconsecutive weeks at #1 on Billboard’s Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart.

90s Nirvana/Metallica /Bon Jovi / Motorhead/ Arc Angels/Storyville/Nirvana /
Ween/ Soundgarden, Alice in Chains/ Alice in Chains/Toad the Wet Sprocket/ Kyuss/L7/Chemical B./Cranberries.
90s Megadeth/Tom Petty & HB’s / Blur / Oasis / Rollins Band/Mr. Big/
Pearl Jam/The Smashing Pumpkins/Jimi Jamison/ The Jeff Healey Band/
Rancid/ad Religion/Pearl Jam/ or DMB – 
I agreed up until the naughties…. Roxette/Barenaked Ladies/Green Day/Coldplay/
Linkin Park/Blink-182/Fall Out Boy/Panic! At The Disco/My Chemical Romance/
The Killers/Beck/Fecal Matter and Primus/ Vixen/Collective Soul/White Stripes???
The Strokes??? Mastodon???Oasis???Stone Temple Pilots???

00s Green Day/RHCP /Coldplay/White Stripes /Black Eyed Peas Band/Vallejo/
Los Lonely Boys/ Radiohead / The Strokes/ Foo Fighters/yo la tengo/ Chili Peppers too, also maybe The Strokes? Linkin Park/Symphony X/Rammstein/ Mild High Club and Young the Giant/Porcupine Tree/ Arctic Monkeys/The killers/The Jeff Healey Band/
Loverboy/Fall Out Boy/The Explosion/Alkaline Trio /Monster Magnet / Gov’t Mule/
Amy Winehouse/Radiohead/Nickelback*/Deep Dope/Arcade Fire/
Matchbox Twenty/Barenaked Ladies/PJ Harvey/Fastball/Sister Hazel
10s Foo Fighters /Muse/ Halestorm/ Florence + the Machine/ king gizzard & the wizard lizard/porches/Gotye/Neal Morse Band/Slipknot/Disturbed/Stephen Wilson/Marc Scherer/ Jim Peterik/ Turnover/Menzingers/Cloud Nothing/

20s Måneskin @thisismaneskin Copy that 👊🍻
It was actually the Black album that made Metallica a global commercial success….
Well this was pre-grunge obviously. But you know what’s really interesting, in light of all those bands that became almost irrelevant due to grunge, Pantera who completely changed their sound & direction from the 80s, sandblasted the 90s with groove metal.

Metal Saviour’s…I’d put Guns n Roses or Metallica in the 80s instead of Dire Straits and I’d put Pearl Jam/Alice In Chains or Stone Temple Pilots over Metallica in the 90s. I’d want to put Hendrix in the 60s but it’s hard to take out Beatles or Stones. 70s is spot on.

Steve Perry Journey is my favorite Singer  

Mark Knopfler & Brad Paisley, my favorite guitarist.
50s Bully Holly, Beatles, 60s Stones and Beatles, 70s Eagles and Zeppelin,80s Bruce and U2, 90s Pearl Jam and Nirvana. 00s Foo’s and Kings of Leon, 10s Black Keys, Arcade Fire

Also, should be mentioned •50’s. Eddie Cochran, Bo Diddley, Big Mama Thornton •60’s. Rolling Stones, The kinks y Cream/THE VELVET UNDERGROUND. •70’s. Allman Brothers •80’s Aerosmith, Melvins y Los Suaves •90’s Rage Against the machine, Nirvana y Pearl Jam •2000’s Radio Moscow, 1000Mods y SOAD

70’s – EAGLES / Fleetwood Mac/Chicago/Boston/Journey
I like Motley Crue / Van Halen 80s 0r 90s RATM??

Highly influential Gamazda piano – Bing video
Also, White Snake and Night Ranger were HOT!
White Stripes/Radiohead 00s

Agree with everything up to 10. Wouldn’t even say Foo Fighters. Cage the Elephant/Black Keys made the list. I would have replaced Dire Straits with U2, Metallica with the Chili Peppers, ColdPlay deleted, Greenday was the 90s if I recall. Linkin Park/Foo Fighters.

Great American Bands from the 70’s. Grateful Dead, The Band, Allman Brothers, CSN&Y. Also, The Who if we’re going with Brits. And how can you omit REM from the 90’s?

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