The Miraculous Willow Star Story

I’m Willow Star and I’m reintroducing myself here. Facebook

Living and thriving with stage 4 breast cancer (
I’ve been thriving after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 7.5 years ago. I’m so grateful to be here to share his healing from stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. It is very simple. and yet not easy. I believe we need to get to the root cause of “why” cancer came to us.
I believe we need to be our own healer and get support from others.
I believe we need to think outside the box.
I believe we have to believe we can heal. I’m here to inspire. support. educate.
Healing is inevitable when we listen to our inner wisdom.

Willow star  (@meetwillowstar) I’ve been pondering- why are we so mad at cancer?
Cancer is the messenger to let us know our body is sick. Cancer isn’t trying to kill us.
In my experience & understanding it’s a warning.

About our toxic environment and foods along with repressed emotions are some of the things making us sick. Chemo and radiation make us sick, while giving us a clean slate. 
If we don’t heal – why- the cancer came in the first place it generally returns.

Still cancer was just the messenger.

We are canaries in the coal mine. We have to actually work towards freeing ourselves of all of the toxicity in our lives so we can PREVENT cancer. only

10% of cancer is genetic. 90% is environmental. When our bodies are healthy, we generally will not manifest cancer.

I thought I was pretty healthy before my diagnosis. especially compared to others,
I learned from looking back I was far from healthy. I was so sick and broken.

Today I encourage you to take inventory. Where can you take small (or big if you are really ready!) steps to create a healthy environment for your physical, emotional, and spiritual body to thrive in?

I am committing to moving my body 20 mins a day 5 of the 7 days to follow. there. I said it out loud! It’s been a challenge. and I know it’s important. they say 20 mins of exercise 5-6 times a week lowers your chances of getting cancer by half!!

Hello friends! it’s been awhile so i thought i would stop by to say hello and reintroduce myself to y’all. i am willow star (formerly keri vaca) and I am 7.5 years out from being diagnosed with stage 4 MBC with liver mets. I have been tumor free for more than 6 years! This cancer diagnosis was the gift I needed to put myself first and to truly HEAL all parts of me. I can say I am living my best life, and that cancer has been the biggest gift.

What i contribute to my healing:
I left my marriage (we are great friends), take cannabis daily for tumor shrinking, high dose medicinal mushrooms (chaga, turkey tail and reishi) did the Rife machine, breath work, cold plunge, black seed oil, apricot seeds, soursop tea, tons of green juice, plant forward diet, no fragrance or artificial scents in my home, therapy to address anger and resentment, micro dosing psilocybin, dance multiple times a week, meditation, cacao, parasite cleanse, intermittent fasting, no alcohol, rarely eat sugary treats, no tv or radio, rebounder, positive mindset and FAITH i would be ok!!
From Western Meds: I was in
Ibrance for 6.5 years, now off.
Zoladex for 5 years, now I am off

Currently my only western med is Faslodex and I plan to be off of it soon.
I had a shrinking tumor in every tumor before starting western medicine, so I know my protocols worked!
My mindset has been a huge part of my healing. The words I speak, the people I connect with, the way I live my life all support a positive vibe.
I share this to inspire anyone having a hard time in their healing/diagnosis. know you can heal. know you are loved. know you are not alone.

This was a huge breakthrough with me and my oncologist. This is one of my most important videos I have made.
I have wanted to share about estrogen disruptors for years. I can hold back as I know the things I share can be triggering to some and to others they disengage and avoid me.
I now know I have to share, even when it feels scary or hard.
I had my estrogen spike for a few months. my numbers were sporadic and didn’t make sense. My oncologist wanted to put me back on the drug I went off of almost a year ago. I said I wanted to understand WHY my estrogen spiked….and I found the culprit! She was shocked, I was not. This was a huge breakthrough with me and my oncologist. This is one of my most important videos I have made.

Please watch and share.
Fragrance and Estrogen Disruption- my experience (

As Noted, Fragrance and Estrogen – Search (

I am also looking for info on natural hormone suppression.
Here’s a general list though the best way to know what works for YOU is an RGCC natural agents panel: • Fresh Ground Flaxseed Meal (must be fresh – goes rancid in 3 hrs)

• Probiotics – Saccharomyces boulardii
• Melatonin – *ApothoCherry® & *BiomeMedic®
• I3C
• Chrysin
• Grape Seed Extract
• Apigenin
• Curcumin
• Cat’s Claw
• Calcium d-Glucarate
• Aromat8-PN (by Xymogen)
• Genistein (soy-free)
• Pinus Silvestrus – essential oil

I am Curious if your Oncologist Recommended any complementary therapies for you

Dina VanDecker- TibbsMy oncologists work with a board certified oncology naturopath as part of the team. I was so blessed for my team. The Cancer center offers all kinds of holistic care including mental health for current patients and survivors. Plus ongoing support and meetings. Now that I am clear I plan on putting in a proposal to volunteer my time, not sure which modality yet. I have studied a lot. The Biggest reco was 10,000 iu vitamin D because of all the research on links between Breast Cancer and deficient Vit D. Vitamin D Shadow Test – Search ( Also mushroom complex, collagen, liposomal c (after radiation) and some more specific to my needs.

Bethany Webb
Yes, both of my oncologists (TX and CO) have recommended acupuncture, yoga, nutrition, massage, Reiki, humor, writing….they admit it’s not in their wheelhouse and I also bring ideas (especially supplements) to them and they either say “yes, that sounds great” or they give me a valid research-based reason why it would conflict with my medications.
My cancer center has an integrative wing with many of these complementary therapies too.
I also work with a naturopathic oncologist who is $$$ and not covered by insurance. While I LOVE seeing that medicine is moving into a more integrative direction – it still does have a long way to go!

How do you test for vitamin deficiencies?
Blood test for Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency The sample is then analyzed by a lab. In some cases, a hair or saliva sample may be collected and anal… Is there a blood test to see what vitamins you are lacking? See more

The 7 Critical Blood Tests EVERYONE Should Get – YouTube

Bonus from September 12, 2021: 5 Lessons – From The Passing of a Fellow Cancer Thriver (

Thank you Tara Coyote for creating this space! This group was a lifeline for me in the beginning.
I don’t know where I would be today without it. I look forward to posting here more.

Alternative Cancer, Lyme, Chronic Disease Advice
October 21, 2019  · 
Unresolved trauma or shock an important cause of cancer
Root Cause to Illness & Symptoms: An Intro to German New Medicine (
Germany’s famous Surgeon and Cancer Specialist Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer was studying psychological aspects of cancer and treatment for ten years. He examined and tested over 40,000 cancer patients. He was amazed at why cancer of an organ does not spread to neighboring organs, e.g. he never saw cancer cervix and cancer uterus in the same patient. He also noted that each of his cancer patients suffered psychological stress or shock during the last 3 to 5 years prior to diagnosis and he was not able to come out of that trauma (Puna Wai Ora Mind-Body Cancer Clinic , 2006-2014 ).
Each patient of Dr. Hamer also underwent a CT scan of the head and in all cases he noticed some dark shadow or concentric circles somewhere in the brain. These dark circles would be in exactly the same place in the brain for the particular types of cancer. There was also a 100% correlation between the location of dark circles in the brain, the location of the cancer in the body and the specific type of unresolved conflict. It was very astonishing. Opponent radiologists said that the spots in the CT scans were machine errors (Artifacts). But Siemens Company which made the machine also admitted that these spots are not Artifacts(Hamer).
Thus Dr. Hamer concludes that when we are in a stressful conflict which is not resolved, the emotional reflex center in the brain which corresponds to the experienced emotion (e.g. anger, frustration, grief) will slowly break down. Each of these emotional centers are also connected to a specific organ. When a centre breaks down, it starts sending wrong signals to the organ it controls, resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues, cancer cells. He also suggests that metastasis is not the SAME cancer spreading. It is the result of new conflicts that might be brought upon by the very stress of cancer diagnosis or of invasive and painful therapies.
Dr. Hamer started to give psychotherapy to his patients along with the treatment. He felt that as soon as psychotherapy shows its effect, the patient is out of this shock (Psychosomatic), cancer cells stop multiplying and the dark circles of brain start to disappear instantly. X-rays of the brain now showed a healing edema around the damaged emotional center as the brain tissue began to repair the affected point. There was once again normal communication between the brain and body. A similar healing edema could also be seen around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased tissue would disappear, and normal tissue would then again appear.
This way Dr. Hamer proved that unavoidable stress or conflict is the cause of cancer and other diseases. The paragraph below shows different psychosomatic trauma or shock and the corresponding cancer it causes.

Organ affected by Cancer and Type of Stress connection.
Bone – Lack of self-worth, inferiority feeling.
Bladder -Ugly conflict, dirty tricks
Breast, right -Conflict with husband or partner
Breast, left -Conflict concerning child, home, and mother.
Cervix -Severe frustration
Colon – Ugly indigestible conflict
Esophagus -Cannot have it or swallow it
Lung – Fear of dying or suffocation, including fear for someone else
Kidneys -Not wanting to live, water or fluid conflict
Liver – Fear of starvation
Testes and Ovaries – Loss conflict
Breast milk gland -Involving care or disharmony
Breast milk duct -Separation conflict
Intestines – Indigestible chunk of anger
Uterus – Sexual conflict
Gall Bladder -Rivalry conflict
Adrenal cortex -Wrong direction, gone astray
Larynx -Conflict of fear and fright
Bronchioles -Territorial conflict
Skin – Loss of integrity
Prostate -Ugly conflict with sexual connections or connotations
Melanoma -feeling dirty, soiled, defiled
Pancreas -Anxiety-anger conflict with family members, inheritance
Spleen – Shock of being physically or emotionally wounded
Rectum -Fear of being useless
Stomach-Indigestible anger, swallowed too much
Thyroid -Feeling powerless
Mouth -Cannot chew or hold it
Lymph glands -Loss of self-worth associated with the location.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer – A controversial doctor
A great innovative scientist Ryke Geerd Hamer was born on May 17, 1935, in Meltmann in Germany and grew up in Friesland. At 18, he started a medical and Theology studies in Tübingen University, where he fell in love with a medical student named Sigrid Oldenburg whom he married a year later.
He completed his degree in Theology and completed studies of Medicine in 1962 and he got his medical registration in 1963. In 1972 he received the Doctor of Medicine degree in internal medicine and began treating cancer patients in the Tübingen University clinic. He was very intelligent and he made many inventions, including the non-traumatic Scalpel (which was 20 times sharper than the ordinary razor blade), bone cutting saws for plastic surgery and automated massage tables, etc.
He earned a lot of money from these inventions and started a clinic in Rome. On August 18, 1978 early morning, a rampaging Italian Prince Victor Emanuel of Savoy shot his son Dirk, who slept unaware in a boat. He was badly injured. Father took care of his son day and night. But on December 7, 1978 Dirk ultimately died in his arms. This was a big shock for the parents. He suffered a loss of confidence and after three years he developed cancer in testes. After a few months his wife also developed breast cancer. He thought it was the result of the shock of his son’s death. Dr. Hamer later named this type of shock, the “Dirk Hamer Syndrome” or DHS.

Root Cause to Illness & Symptoms: An Intro to German New Medicine (
There are 5 core principles of the gut-brain connection (inspired by the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine), explaining how this whole gut-brain thing works at a mental, emotional and physiological level.

He researched cancer patients for many years and proved that each disease is caused by some mental trauma or shock. He experimented on 40,000 patients and based on these experiences, made the five rules of the New German Medicine. The results caused a furor among the doctors but they were not ready to accept these findings. His research did not see any benefits.
Finally, in 1981, he presented his research at the University of Tübingen for verification. He wanted that his research should be taught in medical schools, so that the patient could be benefited by this research. But the university refused to even review his research.
There was deep conspiracy against Dr. Hamer; he was sued in 1986 by the University and court ordered to confiscate his medical registration. Though his research papers could not be denied in the court. But he did not give up and fought for the truth and science for whole life. His wife could not come out of son’s death agony and eventually died in 1985.

In 1997, he was accused of examining three patients without charging any fee and sent to jail for 19 months as he had no Medical Registration that time. Police took all his research papers and books when he was arrested. His research, study and treatment was so effective that the Public Prosecutor had to admit in the court that 6500 late-stage cancer patients were treated by him, five years later 6,000 of them were still alive.
September 9, 2004 he was arrested again at his residence in Spain, and sent to prison in France. This time he was accused that some French patients died after they read his book, while he never met and consulted these patients. He was released from prison in February, 2006 and in March 2007, he was sent to Sendiyard, Norway. Today he has been living in exile in Norway. This is the price he paid for truly serving humanity.
Journalists and medical experts portray Dr. Hamer as a quack, a self acclaimed miracle healer, a cult leader, or an insane criminal who denied cancer patients the “life-saving” conventional treatments.

Stages of Cancer Development
Phase 1: Inescapable Shock
Phase 1 starts about 18-24 months prior to cancer diagnosis. This is where the person with cancer experiences an unavoidable and prolonged emotional stress or trauma, affecting deep sleep and the production of melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone produced in the pineal gland of the brain during deep sleep, is essential for inhibiting growth of cancer cell and is the primary hormone which regulates the immune system; particularly production of interleukin-2 which controls white blood cell immune functions and protects against microbial infection. Without enough melatonin cancer cells flourish. Dr Hamer proved that every cancer has a specific psycho-emotional cause and a part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain is damaged due to the prolonged stress. And as each part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain controls and is connected to a particular organ of the body. When the emotional centre in the brain breaks down, the organ it controls gets wrong and incomplete signals, becomes cancerous.

Phase 2: Adrenaline Depletion
In phase 2, stress hormone cortisol levels are raised which deplete adrenaline levels. There are limited reserves of adrenaline in the body and when a person is under constant psycho-emotional stress these reserves are depleted quickly. While insulin helps to shift glucose into cells, the adrenaline is crucial for cell respiration and for converting this glucose into ATP energy for the body and for healthy cell division (which occurs via the metabolic pathway known as Oxidative Phosphorylation and via the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle in the mitochondria of the cell).
Without adrenaline to stimulate production of the GDP molecule (which is essential for mitochondrial cell respiration and glucose conversion), the cells Krebs’ Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation metabolic pathway is broken and the cell is starts to ferment glucose instead as a means to obtain some amounts of ATP energy (via Glycolysis), which creates lactic acid state in the body and a low pH environment in the cell. This sets the stage for the cancer-fungus to evolve in phase 3 to ferment rising glucose and lactic acid, causing cell mutation.

Phase 3: The Cancer Fungus
In phase 3, somatids (small microorganisms essential for life) that live in our cells pleomorphic into yeast-like-fungus to ferment excess glucose and produce lactic acid in cells (due to the cell fermenting glucose for energy caused by a broken Krebs’ Cycle). In a healthy person, somatids have 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. However, in a highly acidic low pH lactic acid environment, somatids pleomorphism into a further 13 stages. These stages include viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms which ferment excess glucose and produce lactic acid in the cell.
These fungal pathogenic forms then shift to the cell nucleus to produce waste products called mycotoxins, inhibiting repair of cell DNA and also inhibiting the very important tumor suppressor genes. Without this gene p53 which regulates cell death (apoptosis), the cell mutation starts beyond repair, and ‘cell-growth regulating’ proto-oncogenes turn into oncogenes, causing normal cells to mutate into cancer cells.

Phase 4: Niacin Deficiency
In phase 4, depleted adrenaline (epinephrine) levels cause a depletion of dopamine in the brain. Adrenaline is made by dopamine, and as more and more dopamine is used up during stress, the amino-acid tryptophan creates serotonin to please the depressed mood. This causes a depletion of tryptophan which is required to produce niacin/niacinamide (vitamin B3) for cell respiration. Normally tryptophan converts niacin and NAD coenzymes which are then required by the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle in the mitochondria for cell respiration, glucose conversion and the creation of ATP energy. Without niacin and NAD coenzymes, the Krebs’s Citric Acid Cycle is broken, causing the cell to ferment glucose for energy, resulting in cell mutation and the formation of cancer.

Phase 5: Vitamin C Deficiency
In phase 5, depleted adrenaline levels cause a depletion of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the adrenal glands. Ascorbic acid is the important substance used by dopamine to make noradrenaline in the adrenal glands, which is then converted to adrenaline. During prolonged stress more and more adrenaline is depleted, meaning more and more ascorbic acid is used up in the creation of adrenaline. During chronic stress the adrenal glands also release ascorbic acid into the body to diminish the stressful impact of adrenaline on the heart and blood pressure. Ascorbic acid is essential for preventing cell DNA damage caused by “oxidative stress”, converting oxygen waste products superoxide and hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water within the cell mitochondria throughout the Oxidative Phosphorylation. The continual loss of ascorbic acid (during prolonged chronic stress) thereby increases DNA damage and mutation in cell mitochondria, causing normal cells to turn into cancer.

Phase 6: Immune Suppression
In phase 6, the immune system becomes weaker by a subconscious desire to “exit life”; due to elevated stress hormone cortisol levels depleting serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain that cause internal depression. An individual experiencing prolonged stress becomes tired of life and wants to come out of the never-ending stress and pain of life, by sending messages to the immune system to shut down. This occurs at the subconscious level where the immune system receives signals to stop production of interleukin-2- producing T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, macrophages and neutrophils. Without immune defenses, viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus that have pleomorphism within cells in phase 3 continue to grow and newly produced cancer cells go on multiplying.

How to Heal the Psycho-Emotional Trauma
The diagnosis of cancer is not a death certificate; it just shows you that your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are out of balance. It is a simple warning to you that you have not healed old wounds. These should be identified and healed.

Hammer suggested the following treatments to resolve the Psycho-Emotional conflict:
1) You can consult an experienced healer/therapist to heal these wounds. Many CDs and guides are available to help you in healing deeper layers of buried emotions in your subconscious mind.
2) According to Lothar Hirneise, 100% of all late stage ‘miracle’ cancer survivors had all made considerable “systems change” in their lives. This means they had all either left their stressful jobs, ended troubled marriages, shifted to other places or countries for the purpose of removing all stress from their lives.
3) Cancer patients often do not have proper sleep and thus do not produce enough Melatonin. Remember that melatonin is also produced during meditation. So meditate for at least 30 minutes a day or take melatonin orally.
4) High stress hormone cortisol levels deplete adrenaline reserves in the body. It is essential to include one daily activity to relax your mind, for the purpose of reducing stress hormone cortisol levels. Optimally spend 2 hours per day in relaxation. This can include walking on the beach, sitting amongst nature, undertaking yoga, yoga nidra or divine sleep, massage, meditation or visualization.
5) High stress hormone cortisol, low melatonin levels, parasites, pathogenic microbes, chemotherapy and radiation all weaken the immunity. So it is very important to support the immune system during recovery from cancer. We recommend you incorporate at least one therapy to boost and support your immune system. High dose Vitamin C therapy can be used. Visualization helps boost your Immunity. Consider graviola fruit to prevent side-effects of chemotherapy or radiation. Remember that graviola is not compatible with the Budwig Diet.
6) Removing the Cancer-Fungus, without which Cancer could not exist. Prolonged psycho-emotional stress suppresses the immune power. When the immunity is suppressed, somatids – change from harmless to pathogenic viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms. Cancer cannot exist without this viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus. They travel to the cell nucleus and release “mycotoxins” which causes cell DNA damage and the mutation of normal cells into cancer cells, and ferment the glucose in cancer cells. They provide a natural growth factor for cancer cells to metastasize in the body. It is highly recommended you include at least one of the following to remove the cancer-fungus from your body: Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, and Soda bicarb, Essiac Tea or Hyperthermia.
7) Toxins which include “mycotoxins” or acidic waste products caused by the cancer-fungus, poor diet, chemicals, alcohol, tobacco, antibiotics, chemo-therapy, fermentation, poor exercise causing build-up of lactic acid, and dead microbes, parasites and cancer cells. These toxins accumulate in the liver which is the master immune system organ. When the liver is flooded with these toxins, the immune system is weakened and you feel sick, and cancer cells, viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus thrives. It is very important to detox the liver, colon (the intestinal immune system), as well as the gall bladder and kidneys, to prevent toxin build up within your body. When you are killing the cancer-fungus or cancer cells using an alternative or orthodox approach, you should detox the body at the same time, because your liver cannot remove all the dead microbes and cancer cells being killed in the process from the body. We suggest you to include at least one therapy to detox the liver and colon on a regular basis e.g. Liver-Colon Cleanse and Coffee Enema. Ozonated Water should be strongly considered for it is a super body detoxifier, except lung cancer patients or lung disease.
😎 Niacin (Vitamin B3) is a critical element needed by the body’s cells to function in a healthy way. Without niacin, the Krebs’ Cycle of cells is broken or impaired, and the cell reverts to glycolysis and the fermentation of glucose to obtain energy, causing cancer to develop. Vitamin C can be given 12 grams per day without much difficulty. 500 mg to 1500 mg Niacin (Tab. Neasyn-SR 500) is prescribed per day.
9) Cancer cells can only survive in low pH or acidic environments caused by the lactic acid produced during fermentation and by viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus excreting “mycotoxins” within cells. As cancer cells find it difficult to survive in an alkaline environment of 7.5 or greater, so it is essential to include a 3-step program to restore correct cell pH, which includes: 1) alkaline foods, 2) the removal of lactic-acid forming emotional stress and 3) the dextrorotatory lactic acid which is a key ingredient in sauerkraut and cottage cheese.
10) Cancer sometimes manifests as a direct result of a subconscious desire to “exit life”, caused by the individual feeling overwhelmed by the pains of life and no longer having a strong desire to live. This desire to exit life sends messages to the immune system to shut down. This subconscious desire to exit life must be reversed in order to survive cancer. Visualization and guided-imagery tools help to both heal and reverse this subconscious death wish
11) Prayer connects you to God and helps to overcome the subconscious death wish. When we asked what is the best option to cure last stage cancer, the first reply was a prayer. Ask God to forgive you for any wrong-doings, Tell Him to fill your life with love, health and happiness and diminish pain.

Every cancer is unique – why different cancers require different treatments,
and how evolution drives drug resistance (
Cancer patients see results with exercise oncology, a growing field embraced in Pittsburgh,
Depression linked to altered brain responses to different types of gestures, study finds.
Physical Activity Has Powerful Effects on Colon Cancer Risk, Research Suggests.
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‘Very high’: Map shows just how many people are finishing 2023 feeling sick (
How physical exercise is key to the treatment of breast cancer (
Root Cause to Illness & Symptoms: An Intro to German New Medicine.
Healthy habits may reduce risk of breast cancer recurrence (
The soup recipe loved by the world’s longest-living family (

Yolk: Ask Health Professionals ( 💯
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