If You Don’t Know Jack

Justin Latam & The Stride – You Don’t Know Jack! (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO) (youtube.com)

Jack Kungel | Facebook is a man from Kingsville, ON. He beat cancer using a positive attitude, eating his vegetables and CANNABIS. This song is about Jack’s self-healing with cannabis. For his full story, you can go to his website www.jackkungel.com/jacks-story... Jack uses his positive attitude to help others and advocate for the healing powers of the plant that saved his life. You Don’t Know Jack! is featured in the 2020 documentary “Jack’s Garage” (from director Kim Saltarski). You can watch the doc at Jack’s Garage – One Man’s Revolutionary Journey From Death’s Door (jacksgaragedoc.com)

NOTE: In The Cancer Cannabis Industry there are many people with little research background out there pushing weed and seed that have little background and are giving cancer patients a bum steer and cannabis a bad name because they don’t know they don’t know.  Jack is one of the best known and well respected on Facebook for his experience and knowledge.
Also to other Facebook groups for Fact Base Information are Cannabis Oil Success Stories | Facebook | FECO Playbook | Facebook Also some people are big THC people and its always best to start out with lower ratio of THC to CBD and build up 

Before All Else…. (Natural Cures)…Written by Aaron Taylor – Search (bing.com)
Before All Else…. Upon a cancer diagnosis, the natural instinct is to find something external to your body’s own natural chemistry to fight it, maybe a magic plant or exotic herb? After all, your body has let you down, its natural defenses have been compromised. But what if your body’s immunity has fallen because it’s lacking crucial necessities… After all, we wouldn’t expect a plane to fly without wings. The truth is your body is a miraculous healing entity, it will always look for its own homeostasis of well-being, but it needs the fundamental building blocks that establish optimal health before it can do that.

It’s tempting to jump straight into a whole catalogue of touted cancer cures, and continue a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, but the truth is, if your body hasn’t got the basics covered, then you might as well forget about healing now, because to rely on a magic cure without effort and change, is rolling the dice with the odds heavily stacked against you. Cannabinoid therapy amongst others is a marvelous anti cancer weapon, but its power is so much greater if your biology is nourished alongside it. There is no substitute for a healthy diet, and there is no substitute for exercise.
I’m not going to go into detail within the role each of these listed elements play in your road to optimal health because this write up would be far too long. Instead use it as a reference and research the finer details yourself. The Absolute Essentials

90 Easy Vegetarian Recipes to Make for Dinner Tonight (tasteofhome.com)
You should always remember that it is more important what you are not putting in your body than what you are. There is no sense in fighting the beast with one hand, if you are feeding it with the other. Ketogenic, alkalising, juicing diets etc are all with excellent merit that you should explore, and always eat organic when possible. The general rule is this, if it wasn’t around a 100 years ago, you don’t want it in your body.  


•Vitamin D
You need to know what your vitamin D blood serum level is, because it is pointless to tell somebody to take a certain amount of vitamin D a day and expect them to land within the optimal range by chance. Everybody absorbs vitamin D at different rates. The blood test you need is called 25(OH)D. You want to be at around 80–100 ng/ml when fighting cancer.

Vitamin D Shadow Test – Search (bing.com)
The shadow test is a way to tell if the sun is high enough for you to make vitamin D. When your shadow is equal in length to your height or shorter, you will get enough sunlight for vitamin D production. If it’s longer, you won’t 1 2 3.
As a general rule of thumb, if your shadow is shorter than you, then you should be able to synthesis vitamin D3.

•Transdermal and Ionic Magnesium
Magnesium plays many important and vital roles, but one of its most vital attributes within the fight against cancer is that it buffers the lactic acid produced by the cancer cells. Transdermal is always the king, but ionic magnesium has unparalleled bio availability compared to regular magnesium supplementation.

Cachexia occurs when cancer cells produce lactic acid, the liver then metabolises some
of this lactic acid into glucose, of which the cancer then metabolizes again or energy.
It’s basically re-feeding itself. We generally recognize cachexia when somebody is rapidly losing weight and has no appetite; this is when starvation is occurring.
It is a myth that cachexia only happens towards the end of stage 4 cases, because cachexia is occurring in all cancer cases and at all stages. Aside from the aforementioned importance of magnesium, the use of Hydrazine Sulfate has also shown great promise in helping to break the cachexia cycle. Fish: Ask Health Professionals (msn.com)

image.png image.png

Omega 3 and Cachexia – Search (bing.com)
The purpose of this guideline is to provide evidence-based guidance on the optimal approach for the treatment of cachexia in patients with advanced cancer.
Cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome characterized by loss of appetite, weight, and skeletal muscle,1 leading to fatigue,2 functional impairment,3 increased treatment-related toxicity,4 poor quality of life,5 and reduced survival.4,611 
Across malignancies, cachexia is highly prevalent, impacting approximately half of patients with advanced cancer.12,13 Assessment and management of cancer cachexia are major challenges for clinicians. By targeting the glycolytic ally active tumor cells that produce pro-cachexia molecules, restricted diet therapies can potentially reduce tumor cachexia. These therapies could be supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids, which can also reduce the cachexia phenotype.

•The Gut
80% of your immune system lies within your gut. That startling statistic in itself should be enough to motivate you to learn the basics of fermenting your own foods. It’s super easy, and super cheap, and incredibly good for you.Kefir and Kombucha are great, but the king of fermented goodness is sauerkraut. Before you consider taking the easier and much more expensive route of store bought probiotics, consider this; within just 4 ounces of fermented sauerkraut, there are ten trillion living bacteria.
Even if you believe the probiotic count on the bottle, 4 ounces of sauerkraut contains more probiotic than 2 whole bottles of the best probiotic supplement out there. You never believe the bottle by the way. There is simply no comparison to the dead or dying and redundant probiotic supplementation you pay through the nose for, compared to the living and abundant source of probiotics you find in fermented foods.

Plantazym, Bromelain and Wobenzyme are all fabulous enzymes. Although research suggests that porcine enzymes have a bigger anti-cancer effect. Although an enzyme that is not quite as known as its aforementioned counterparts is Nattokinase. Nattokinase has the ability to break down fibrin. Fibrin is responsible for blood clotting and tumor coating. A few more forward-thinking hematologists have considered that cancer moves more easily around the body when the blood is too thick. Enzymes, and Nattokinase in particular help keep the blood at a healthier density, which is why it is so beneficial for the heart as well. Please note that Nattokinase is derived from soy, although it is from fermented soybeans, which is why Nattokinase is not found in any other soy product.

•The Role of Stress
Stress and stressful events are heavily linked to cancer. Be that through contributing to cancer arising in the first instance or be it through fueling cancer through the stress hormone cortisol. It seems nonsensical to tell somebody with cancer not to worry, but you must do everything in your power to achieve a positive mindset. Controversial it may be, but the use of psilocybin mushrooms has proven to be of immense benefit to those facing the fear of death, where in a lot of cases the fear of dying is removed completely. I understand the use of mushrooms or Ayachusa will be a complete no-go for many people, but I encourage you to at least explore the possibility, if you feel comfortable with the idea. Hypnosis, yoga, meditation and especially exercise are all powerful anti-stress tools you must explore. Winning the battle in the mind puts you halfway to victory already.

One huge link in how stress causes cancer is through a process all aerobic organisms use to generate energy (The Krebs Cycle) in relation to niacin. When we deplete adrenaline, as what happens through the stress hormone cortisol, the body in turn produces more dopamine, because adrenaline is made by dopamine. The body then creates an amino acid called tryptophan to create serotonin to offset any depressed mood. This means a depletion of tryptophan, which is vital, as it is needed to synthesize niacin. Niacin is critical in the Krebs cycle because it is used in the mitochondria of the cell for respiration, glucose conversion and energy. Without Niacin, The Krebs Cycle metabolic pathway is broken, and this causes the cell to then ferment glucose, this results in cell mutation and the formation of cancer.

•The pH of blood refers to how acidic it is.
The pH scale runs from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Blood pH should be between 7.35 and 7.45 for the body’s metabolic processes and other systems to work well1. The body has a complex system of feedback and regulation to maintain healthy pH levels1. The lungs and the kidneys are the two main organs that regulate the pH of the blood1. The lungs can help regulate blood pH rapidly through the process of exhaling carbon dioxide, sometimes producing changes within seconds1. The kidneys regulate the pH of the blood by excreting acids in urine and producing and regulating bicarbonate, which increases blood pH1.
Changes in blood pH can signal underlying medical issues1. Acidosis occurs when the blood is too acidic, with a pH below 7.35, while alkalosis occurs when the blood is not acidic enough, with a pH above 7.451. There are four main ways in which blood pH can change: metabolic acidosis, respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, and respiratory alkalosis1.
A sudden change in blood pH may indicate an underlying health problem1. Acidosis can cause symptoms such as sleepiness, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, confusion, and vomiting2. Alkalosis can also lead to symptoms that make it difficult to manage everyday activities. The exact symptoms will depend on the type of pH imbalance2.
It’s important to identify and treat the underlying issue that has caused changes in blood pH levels1. If you have concerns about your blood pH or any related symptoms, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Water is primarily what we are, it removes wastes and toxins from our bodies, it transports nutrients and oxygen, it protects are organs. For something so important, it makes more than enough sense that we want to be consuming copious amounts, and we want it clean. Bottled spring water in glass bottles is ideal, but to keep costs down in the long term, a reverse osmosis unit at home will serve the purpose perfectly. It is important to add a sprinkle of Himalayan salt to every liter of water you filter through the reverse osmosis unit, as it will remove all the bad and all the good. The body will never operate at the optimum level it needs to to beat cancer if it is dehydrated. You should be looking at around 3-4 liters a day, and even more if conducting high intensity workouts.

Alkaline Water: Ask Health Professionals (msn.com)

•The Lymphatic System
Unlike the circulatory system, your lymph system doesn’t have a pump.
That means you have to be the pump. A sluggish immobile lymph system is a toxic lymph system. The best way to get the lymph system moving is through rebounding, which is basically a mini trampoline. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting your body moving, if this isn’t an option then look into armchair exercises or anything else to get the body working.

Sounds straightforward, you can even do it without thinking right? But shallow breathing is not a friend to your body, your body needs big, deep, regular breaths. Practicing deep breathing and even utilizing breathing exercises are a powerful fundamental you need to get on top of. Home oxygen machines can also be of great benefit.

Hopefully your sweating is covered when you’re exercising, but regardless,
it is incredibly important you have a good deep sweat at least three times a week, with daily deep sweats being optimal. My preference is using a far infrared sauna, because then you are reaping additional benefits. Cancer cells are heat sensitive, and far infrared has the ability to penetrate deep into the body to heat you up, as opposed to heating the air up, as traditional saunas do.

•Intermittent Fasting
Fasting isn’t going to be suitable for all cases, and you’ll have to seek
advice and use good judgment to establish if you are a candidate. The rewards from intermittent fasting can be miraculous. Switching the body to burning ketones as a fuel (ketosis) cuts off the primary energy source to the cancer (Glucose) Cancer cells have several more insulin receptors than that of a normal cell, so it loves sugar.

Sulforaphane, a sulfur compound found at the highest level in broccoli sprouts is of such importance I’m going to list it as an essential.
Sulforaphane normalizes DNA methylation, and will actually switch on genes that prevent and fight cancer, and turn off genes that help cancer spread. Buy organic broccoli seeds and grow them for around 3 days in mason jars. Like fermented foods, it is incredibly cheap, and incredibly good for you.

•Beta Glucan
There is nothing that will boost the immune system like Beta Glucan, and no cancer diet is complete without consuming it daily. As with probiotics, you could waste your money on expensive Beta Glucan supplements, which generally come in 100mg capsules, but then you could just consume nature’s highest source for pennies. Just 50 grams of plain rolled porridge oats (again only buy organic) will contain a massive 2500mg of Beta Glucan. To avoid any heat stability issues, you are better to soak your oats in almond or coconut milk for around 30 minutes, rather than heat them up.

•Liposomal Vitamin C
Orally you will absorb about a gram of vitamin C and anything more will just be discarded by the body. Liposomal vitamin C works in a different way to even IV vitamin C, in that it delivers on an intracellular level, which some would say is even more beneficial than the extracellular IV level. If you are going to dedicate to a vitamin C protocol you should first test your Vitamin C Blood Serum level. Apoptosis will occur at around 270 mmol/l. In one liposomal vitamin C study, a VIT C blood serum level of 600mmol/l was achieved on 36g of liposomal vitamin C.

•The Fungus Connection
Cancer and fungus are incredibly similar; and furthermore they coexist. To fight cancer is to fight fungus. Common antifungal drugs have been found to lower tumor markets in various cancers. Fungus plays a pivotal role in the cause and proliferation of cancer by migrating to cell walls and releasing mycotoxins, which in turn cause cell DNA damage and thus the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous ones. Look at the some of the similarities that cancer and fungus share; —Both produce lactic acid. —Both nourish without the need of oxygen —Both are killed with anti-fungal drugs and herbs —Both need sugar to thrive It would be wise to be mindful of the fungus link, and include anti fungal protocols into your regime, such as; Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Sodium Bicarbonate, Oregano Oil

•Root Canals There is some strong evidence to suggest that root canals are heavily
linked to cancer. During a root canal, the nerve of the tooth is removed and the tooth is sterilized. However, it is impossible to sterilize the periodontal ligament, and this serves as a breeding ground for bacteria, which now without oxygen feeding the dead tooth, will become anaerobes, which produce potent toxins that look to proliferate and spread around the body.

Angiogenesis is the growth of new capillary blood vessels. Tumors cannot generally form masses greater than 1-2mm without the need of angiogenesis. With that fact in mind, it only makes sense a cancer protocol should include natural anti-angiogenesis foods, herbs and supplements, such as; Artemisia Annua (Chinese Wormwood) White/Green Tea Curcumin Resveratrol Grape Seed Extract.

•Chronic Inflammation and Gluten
Cancer is as much a disease of inflammation as it is a poorly functioning immune system, so anything that contributes to chronic inflammation is not acceptable, and nothing causes chronic inflammation in the body like gluten does. If you are following a sensible cancer diet, then you will have eliminated gluten already. Other known causes of chronic inflammation are wheat, most grains, pasteurized dairy, and refined sugars.
Other supplements that have not been mentioned already that I strongly suggest you explore are the following; Glutathione (Liposomal) Resveratrol (Liposomal) Curcumin (Liposomal) Selenium Lugol’s Iodine Essiac Tea Frankincense Bitter Apricot Kernels Melatonin Niacin Cayenne Organic Sulfur.

Smoothie –   Jack Kungel

Pam Gotcher Good thing there’s not a histamine or oxalate reaction (frequently genetic) in this household, or this would be a real runny nose situation. We are definitely not all the same… It’s a great recipe as long as you don’t have histamine or oxalate issues (which may be genetic, but you’d need a test to show that). I do, so I will not be able to use it. That doesn’t mean that others can’t use it.

Curious what all the supplements are in the back.

Jack Kungel one smoothie…
Jack Kungel ginseng, ginger, hawthorn. alfalfa powder, Ceylon cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, mucuna pruriens apple fiber, bromelain, goji berries, black currants red currants… beet powder… ashwagandha spirulina moringa powder… CBG raw cannabis…high thc decarbed cannabis…hemp oil, liquid vitamin D3..liquid light fulvic acid… hemp oil, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds… myco 10 mushroom blend… bee pollen, nutritional yeast.  PLEASE NOTE: Turkey Tail Mushrooms: A Natural Immune Booster for Dogs – Pet Wellness Direct

FECO Playbook | Easy medicine for your pet | Facebook


This saved my life… I was given 3 months February 11/2011… I am almost 13 years cancer free… complete lifestyle change… I had terminal bladder …prostate and 1 of my kidneys…i was sent to have my body parts removed… It took 11 months to see that surgeon… When I got there it was gone… I still have all my body parts… off 22 medications… and cancer free… no it wasn’t too much… it was what i needed to do to live… taking cannabis is the easy part… it’s the rest that needs to happen that people cannot do…EVERYONE FEELS CHEATED…i do not feel cheated…

I am the healthiest I have ever been… I’m 70… ❤
Convert liters to gallons (unitconverters.net)


Robert Lamarre
  · If it wasn’t for these 2 wonderful people, I would have been ‘ legally dead ‘ months ago but as my friend Jack says,I’d much rather be’ illegally alive ‘ ! Thank You for everything, my Friends. I remain eternally grateful for your compassionate help and wisdom Stewart Martin and Jack Kungel . #FUCKCANCE

Green Thinking assembly in Kingsville, Ontario, Canada @ November 7th, 2015 

Green Thinking Assembly 2015 (youtube.com)
Was an initiative designed to discuss the potential benefits of cannabis use for medicinal purposes. The assemblage consisted of speakers who delivered personal testimonies of their various medical journeys and the role cannabis has played in their paths to health and wellness. It was the hope of this assembly to improve public awareness of the need for legislation reform to allow at the very least.
The choice for anyone for whom it may be beneficial to explore the option of including cannabis in their medical treatment without being impeded by the obstacle of stigma or the possibility of criminal charges. For many years the subject of cannabis in general terms has been taboo. It is time to lessen the stigma attached to this topic and to let it be known that “it’s ok to talk about cannabis” and the possible healing properties it has to offer.

I Saw this and it is a great list of strains for cancer. 💯
Thunder Kush Strain – Search (bing.com) Godfather OG Strain – Search (bing.com)
 OG Kush Strain – Search (bing.com) Blue Dream Strain – Search (bing.com) Garlic Breath Strain – Search (bing.com) Sour Strawberry Diesel Strain – Search (bing.com) Animal Cookies Strain – Search (bing.com) Biscotti Gelato – Search (bing.com) GMO Cookies Strain – Search (bing.com) Granddaddy Purple Strain – Search (bing.com) Oreoz Strain – Search (bing.com) Purple Punch Strain – Bing video Sunset Sherbert Strain – Bing video Super Silver Haze Strain – Bing video Super Lemon Haze Strain – Bing video Wedding Cake Strain – Bing video
 Banana Punch Strain – Search (bing.com) Afghan Kush Strain – Search (bing.com) Banana Punch Strain – Search (bing.com) Blue Zkittlez Strain – Search (bing.com) Chemdawg Strain – Search (bing.com) Durban Poison Strain – Bing video Ghost OG Strain – Search (bing.com) Gorilla Glue Strain – Search (bing.com)
Blueberry Moonrocks Strain – Search (bing.com) Blueberry Lemonade Strain – Search (bing.com)  Blueberry CBD Strain – Search (bing.com) Blueberry Pie Strain – Search (bing.com) Blueberry Diesel Strain – Search (bing.com)

OG Kush is great for breast cancer because it has certain Terpenes in it that work together. My preference for giving advice for certain strains is that it’s not a sativa because sativa is having people feel anxiety and they don’t want that. It has a certain Terpenes in it. However, I kind of stick with Indica because it’s easier to fight not feeling lazy and it is to have that high anxiety with feeling your heartbeat real fast.


New Survey Suggests Medical Cannabis as Effective as Opiates for Neuropathic Pain | NuggMD

The effects of cannabinoids on the endocrine system | Borowska | Endokrynologia Polska (viamedica.pl)

A Deep Dive into the Endocannabinoid System: The Science Behind Medical Marijuana 
A Deep Dive into the Endocannabinoid System:

 The Science Behind Medical Marijuana (unitedpatientsgroup.com)

Mangoes and Cannabis: How Does It Intensify the High? – Sensi Seeds

FECOFF Friday Podcast- Session 8-Jack Klause Facebook

Facebook FECOFF Friday Podcast- Session 6- Meet Pamela Javid Haymes
Join us today for another season of FECOFF Friday Podcast Live at 12pm cst as we welcome the incredible Pamela Javid Haymes! 

Well known in the industry for helping both humans and dogs battle cancer!  (3) Facebook
 Also look at the documentary we did. It will give a great perspective of cannabis and lifestyle…


THC The Healing Conversations | Kim Saltarski (youtube.com)
After his melanoma stage 3B diagnosis in 2014, Kim Saltarski turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine, a plant-based diet and medical cannabis to detoxify and build his immune system to put his cancer in full remission. Kim pays it forward by using his filmmaking skills to tell similar stories of empowered healing including the documentaries: Jack’s Garage, MEND with Dignity and THC – The Healing Conversations.
Please SUBSCRIBE to this channel, like and share this video if it gives you hope.
For more information visit https://www.thcseries.com and like us at   / thcseries  .
Learn more about Kim’s other medical cannabis documentaries at https://www.JacksGarageDoc.com and https://www.MENDDoc.com

*Please note: The statements in this documentary are not intended
to be a substitute for professional medical advice.
Cancer Rates By Country [Updated 2022] | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

The Most Beautiful Version of “Hallelujah” You Have Ever Heard – Lucy Thomas (youtube.com)

Jack’s Garage (youtube.com) follows the extraordinary journey of Jack Kungel who discovered the healing powers of cannabis and made it his mission to help hundreds of others and their pets from around the world.

This is the documentary Big Pharma doesn’t want you to see.

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