Bethany Webb

As a Mindset Coach, Author, & Cancer Thriver, my mission is to find freedom with everything life brings…especially those curveballs.

Based in Boulder, Colorado, I work with clients all over the globe through coachingtrainings, and my book baby: My Guru Cancer by Bethany Webb.
At the heart of mindset coaching is a form of self-inquiry called The Work of Byron Katie
a simple yet powerful process of identifying and questioning thoughts that create stress and suffering. It’s a way to clear the mind and love reality, just as it is. Through inquiry and movement, I love exploring the relationship between the mind & body ~ how our mental BS (belief systems) affect our emotions, physical sensations, and overall health
& wellbeing.

In 2015, life gave me a sweet surprise when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 34 and then again as stage IV in 2021. My background has provided the perfect training and inner support system to meet cancer with an open mind, peace, and humor.

Dropping the battle and welcoming cancer as a wise teacher, I continue to learn the beauty of presence, slowing down, deeply listening, asking for support, letting go, and truly living the f*ck out of life! Becoming “free” from cancer has taken on a whole new meaning ~ it’s a state of mind.

“Are you sitting down?” -Dr. I, Spine Specialist
(May 27, 2021)
Weird. I only had my scan 2 hours ago, why is he calling? Oh shit…
“Yes, I’m sitting down.”
“I just got off the phone with the radiologist.
I’m so sorry but the MRI showed multiple masses in your lumbar spine.”
“Is it cancer?” I ask immediately.
“It appears so. I know this was a big concern of yours.”
(YES it was! WHY wasn’t it anyone else’s concern???)
“I recommend you meet with your oncologist as soon as possible to discuss options.”
Holy. Crap. If cancer is in my spine…that puts me in stage IV.
There is no cure. Terminal. Fucking. Cancer.
A flood of every single emotion hits me all at once.

Shock and disbelief…are you f-ing kidding me?
Rage…FU to the doctors who didn’t take my complaints seriously 8 months ago.
FU to the insurance company who denied my request for an MRI two months ago.
FU to you to the universe – how could you let this happen?
Despair and sadness…Wait, does this mean I only have a few years to live?
I don’t get to see my nieces and godson grow up…I don’t get to grow old with my partner…Is this beautiful life I’ve created in Colorado already over?
Images of my body breaking down, wheelchairs, hospice, my family grieving…fill my mind.
I don’t deserve this. I did everything the doctors recommended. There was an 85% cure rate! Yet I found a way to enjoy cancer. I wrote a book. I’ve dedicated my life to help others alleviate the suffering around pain and illness. I take care of myself; I love my life. It’s not fair.

576 views Jun 22, 2021 #mbc #breastcancerthriver
Well, I’ve got some tough health news to share. It appears My Guru Cancer is back as Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer. It has spread to my bones, liver, and some lymph nodes in my stomach. As heartbreaking as this news has been for me and my loved ones, we remain positive and hopeful. Although there is currently no known cure for MBC, my amazing doctors are saying it is “very treatable” and “for many, many years.” So…my diagnosis? LIVE THE F*CK OUT OF LIFE! This video shares a full update on how I found out, how I’m doing, my integrative treatment plan, mindset, and how you can best support me.

Bethany Webb’s Stage IV Cancer Announcement (

#MyGuruCancer Lesson: Welcome all of your emotions in…
they are here to help you process, feel, and move through the pain.
I’ve had to live in a state of F this for a bit. I let myself cry, scream, vented my emotions out on paper, stabbed a few potatoes…I let others hold me through the tears. When I drop my resistance to whatever is arising, it’s quite intimate.
It may sound strange, but I don’t want to miss a moment of this grief. It can’t be bypassed. I choose to lovely hold it. However, and whenever it shows up. This is life too. And I want to truly live it. To be continued…😘

A few days after I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer,
I saw this beautiful soul perform on America’s Got Talent.
Through every lyric, I watched the tears fall from my eyes.
Tim came home and immediately; I pulled him onto the couch to watch it.
We held each other and cried some more.

She was in the 2% chance of being alive and damn – this girl was LIVING!
And then her words:
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy.”
Heck YES.

Knowing that I now, too, have entered the land of incurable cancer…this beautiful soul sang right to my heart, giving me hope that anything is possible…to live fully now…and that no matter what life tosses our way, IT’S OKAY 🎶
Nightbirde – thank you for being such a badass inspiration for our community!
We will miss you…RIP sister 💗.

When the mind is open, inner peace is available to us at any moment.
More than ever, I am inspired to share my experience and these healing tools
with anyone who is ready to reconnect with their natural state of peace, joy, & clarity.
When the mind is open, a sweet state of inner peace is available to us at any moment. Yet sometimes our cray cray thoughts can get in the way of noticing this reality. Unravel what blocks you from rocking your natural state of joy…let’s truly live the f*ck out of life!

I choose LIFE! Embracing ALL of it – the joy, adventure, heartbreak, grief.
The highs and lows, the sticky mess in between. I’m here for it baby.

Key word = HERE.
When I stay HERE, in REALITY, rather than living THERE, in a scary future,
it’s so much easier to love the life I have – yes, even my life with stage 4 cancer.
But if I’m to fully embrace life, it means I need to fully embrace death too – death
is a natural, inevitable part of life. “Let’s face it, bodies don’t make it.” -Byron Katie
Facing my fearful beliefs about death – “an early death” “a painful death”, worries of “missing out” and how it will impact my loved ones. Questioning these painful beliefs
has led to soooo much more joy, trust, and presence in my life.

  · January 28, 2023

Hi all!!! I want to share my badass news… No Evidence of Active Disease for stage 4 breast cancer 🥳. I’m soooo freaking grateful!!! I also joked with Tara the week before when she shared her NED news that – “OK I’M NEXT GIRLY!” Dreams do come true 😍.
Big hugs to you all!!!

Bethany Webb – Mindset Coach // Author // Stage 4 Cancer Thriver
As a Mindset Coach, Author, & Cancer Thriver, my mission is to find freedom with everything life brings. I love exploring the relationship between the mind & body ~ how our mental BS (belief systems) affect our emotions, physical sensations, and overall health & wellbeing. These tools have provided me with a compassionate inner support system to meet Stage IV Breast Cancer (and many other life challenges) with an open mind, heart, and playful sense of humor.

Our Scars Speak: 40. Bethany Webb, Stage 4 Breast Cancer Thriver,
Mindset Coach, & Author of “My Guru Cancer” on Apple Podcasts
Our guest is Bethany Webb, a Stage 4 Breast Cancer Thriver, Mindset Coach, and Author of “My Guru Cancer.” Bethany shares her breast cancer story and how she utilized her knowledge of mindfulness to alter her mindset towards her diagnosis. Bethany started her mindset journey during her first diagnosis and continues to enhance her learning even during a second diagnosis of Stage 4. She shares the meaning of her motto and life work of “Live the F*@k Out of Life.”

Certifications & Influences
My greatest Teacher is and continues to be “Life” itself.
I am also grateful to have received the following guidance & support:
200-hr Vinyasa Yoga Certification with Ganga White & Tracy Rich at
The White Lotus Foundation
500-hr Yoga Therapy Certification with Michelle Andrie at Priya Yoga
Certified Facilitator for The Work of Byron Katie in the Institute for The Work
Graduate of The School for The Work of Byron Katie in the Institute for The Work
Thai Yoga Bodywork Certification with Chock Petchprom of the Thai Massage School
of Chiang Mai

Love & Gratitude for many teachers: My family, students & friends, Byron Katie, Ganga White, Jeff Foster, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, Shiva Rea, Hala Khouri, Richard Miller, Gary Kraftsow, Richard Freeman, Julia Cameron, Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Deepok Chopra, Carolyn Myss, Kenny Kolter, Jessica O’Keefe, Carla Rudiger, Margie Woods, and so many more…

Work with me from anywhere in the world…
Subscribe to my newsletter.
Book a private coaching session.
Sign up for an online event or class series.
Invite me to speak or create a customized event.

  · Connect With Bethany through her Facebook Group.
Bethany Webb –> Conscious Cancer Collective


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