A Miraculous Supplement

    Within the last  four months  a lot has been written within this website to help  terminal cancer patients  find answers,  the 18 Major Types of  cancers   top tag  being  the heart  and soul.  Also in the last eight years the key note I stumbled upon to be the most beneficial has to be Aloe Vera juice, which one  can’t say  for sure…. is a cure… but is helpful. With a cantaloupe size tumor  extruding  from the breast…. I witness in amazement,  Aloe Vera shrank the tumor ( 1 and a half  inch) turning the inner tissue gray as it was dieing.

    This tumor was late stage: with no hope  for recovery while in hindsight   left  me  wondering  is  Aloe Vera the cure  for cancer.  With  research on the internet  stating,  with  the attributes in that bottle.  Aloe Vera does warrant consideration  in anybody’s battle with early stage cancer  for a positive out come.  In  1977,  while conducting a series of  animal experiments with usage of  Acemannan a mucopolysaccharide of Aloe arborescens that had detected this compound having anti tumor property. Dr. Bill McAnalley  Ambrotose?

  Research by Immunologist Ian Tizard Virologist  Maurice Kemp Ph.D.s   from  Texas A&M;  led  to  the  discovery  that  Aloe  Muco-polysaccharide  is  taken  into  a special leukocyte,  the macrophage  and  this cell is stimulated    to release messenger molecules  called  cytokines,  interferons, interleukens, prostaglandins, tumor necrosis factor and stem cell growth factors. Tumors release a chemical  that attracts blood circulation  so malignant cells have a supply  to the tumor.  It’s  the anti-tumorigenesis effect of  aloe vera,  killing off  the blood supply  to the tumor  that makes it so beneficial.

     Luckily,  there  is  still other medical doctors  who  have  researched the miracle of  the aloe vera plant,  and how it is so effective in harmonizing the human body.  Dr. Lawrence G. Plaskett,  world renowned  from  Britain has done exhausted cancer research and states, “that  substances  found  in Aloe Vera activates  and intensifies an immune response.”  Although Aloe Vera is not  considered  an  official  cure  for  cancer,  several  research  studies  that was conducted  and demonstrates very impressive results.

  The immune system has to respond to the development of  unhealthy cells   on  a regular basis.  These unhealthy cells  developing through  free radicals  or foreign invaders can cause cancer. With to much toxicity in the body that can prevent  the immune system  from  functioning properly and  protecting the body  from disease.  This toxicity  can  be caused through environmental toxins,  with unhealthy  food choices  and  chronic  inflammation and stress. D e t o x i n g    i n    t h e   S p i r i t u a l and  raw  food  diet?

  Pure Aloe Vera Juice contains compounds that increase immune function, dramatically increasing the workload of white blood cells and Killer T-cells. Aloe Vera contains lectin  and emodins which are anti tumor compounds, as well as,  cleansing  effects  on the digestive system  and liver  functions. With less toxins in our body nutrients can be absorbed more effectively,  meaning our  immune  system  is  stronger.   Aloe+Vera+Creates+An+Alkaline+State   a l o n g   w i t h   a   h e a l t h y   d i e t.     [S o   E d u c a t e   Y o u r s e l f.]

    In 1992,  the U.S.D.A.  had approved Aloe Vera  as an effective treatment against cancer in animals, even though, there is enough scientific evidence; the F.D.A.  will  not  test  the  efficacy of  Aloe Vera in humans. There  is  also probably  no other medicinal plant on this planet…. that will rejuvenate the internal body like Aloe Vera can. With this basic knowledge how to balance your pH  factor,  simply  put  Aloe Vera  exhibiting anti – cancer  properties    with a reputation as a plant that cures practically everything.










www.the ecologist.org/what role does_nutrition_really_play_in_tackling_cancer.html









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